January 23, 2005

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January 23, 2005

Post by Lorai »

It has been another productive week for ES, as we turned our attention back to GoD, conducting marathon VXED/TIPT flagging sessions, and a Smith Rondo raid to complete more Kod'Taz flags for our newer members.

Tipt bracers for everyone! and other loot gratz go out to:

Emptysoul - [item]Aegis of Discordant Matter[/item]
Kaput - [item]Daunting Opaque Orb[/item]
Kinadinu - [item]Soft Scale Cap[/item]
Lorai - [item]Irestone of Might[/item]

We also visited OOW to take down Pyrilen Redwing again, and this guy:


Congrats to Thalsadoom on his epic piece, and to others on OOW loots:
Siwi - [item]Crystal Linked Gauntlets[/item]
Tilien - [item]Pyrilen Bloodrunes[/item]

And of course the week would not be complete without the Plane of Time, which we cleared twice on Sunday...


Just kidding about the twice thing, but we're definitely back to clearing Time in a single day! Check out the loot:

[item]Askr's Thunderous Chainmail[/item] to Leafblight
[item]Band of Primordial Energy[/item] to Gullun
[item]Band of Prismatic Focus[/item] to Walkingeagle
[item]Belt of Temporal Bindings[/item] to Rohgziel
[item]Boots of Despair[/item] to Kaput
[item]Circlet of Flowing Time[/item] to Sazxus
[item]Cloak of Ferocity[/item] to Naedidar
[item]Coif of Flowing Time[/item] to Soaria
[item]Cord of Potential[/item] to Jaharyss
[item]Earring of Celestial Energy[/item] to Cykor
[item]Earring of Temporal Solistice[/item] to Salnayil
[item]Edge of Eternity[/item] to Suleka
[item]Ethereal Silk Leggings[/item] to Abstol
[item]Hammer of the Timeweaver[/item] to Aenil
[item]Hoop of the Enlightened[/item] to Jathal
[item]Mask of Simplicity[/item] to Kinadinu
[item]Necklace of Celestial Energy[/item] to Eennywen
[item]Necklace of Celestial Energy[/item] to Grego
[item]Ossein of Limitless Time[/item] to Emptysoul
[item]Protective Sleeves[/item] to Abstol
[item]Ring of Thunderous Forces[/item] to Aarianna
[item]Sandals of Empowerment[/item] to Ammaryllis
[item]Serpent of Vindication[/item] to Eennywen
[item]Shoes of Fleeting Fury[/item] to Cykor
[item]Shroud of Provocation[/item] to Kidde
[item]Shroud of Survival[/item] to Marylynn
[item]Staff of Transcendence[/item] to Cykor
[item]Symbol of Ancient Summoning[/item] to Jaharyss
[item]Timeless Coral Greatsword[/item] to Littletrex
[item]Timeless Coral Greatsword[/item] to Naedidar
[item]Tiny Jade Ring[/item] to Beldak
[item]Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair[/item] to Yyubbu
[item]Whorl of Unnatural Forces[/item] to Aarianna
[item]Wristband of Echoed Thoughts[/item] to Aarianna

Happy Raiding!
Last edited by Lorai on Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Marylynn »

Wand of the Vortex to Kaput
That was a typo when I put in loot... I was rot loot.
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