Last night's fiasco

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Last night's fiasco

Post by straman »

i logged in yesterday evening with every intention of crawling the hole in old paineel, trrying to learn the ways of moloing and then logging out and in bed by 9pm at least. that WAS my intention but i had an itch... one for adventure. 45 mins into the hole (never leaving zone in cause i was skeered and ignorant of this return to bind WITH your gear) i decided to chat in guild and see if anyone wanted a gimp paladin. what insued was, well, i will let you be the judge......

a kindly cleric said to me, Follow me and i will show you a thing or two (of course im paraphrasing) so i took her hand (/follow blindly on). the first question i was asked AFTER, mind you, the point of no return was "you have gate potions, dont you?" which reminded me of an incident of porting into cobalt scar. just as we had stepped into the gate, i and my shammie friend were asked "you do have a key, right?" our response in unision as the gate closed was, "what key?" that incident that followed soon resulted in the skyshrine incidrent which was guild headlines for 6 months and me and my friend put on limited probation for 30 days.....good times...good times. back to my story though...

of course, i was prepared for the old world. "what gate potions?" was my response. (once again paraphrasing but still applies, after all this is my retelling and i get to make the whooshing sounds)
that answer ended up in a lovely female mage having her way with me across 10 zones, + or - 8 zones. the recollecction is a bit foggy. after a break neck journey through places i never seen i was queried this by lovely cleric guide, "there is this thing we need to help a friend with, you game?"
"Hey, i got an itch (i shoulda explained that in more detail but....) Game on, M'lady"

what followed was me getting into zones that i thought i would never see, engaging mobs that wiped the bottom of thier feet with me, shown me how gimp i truly was.

i died, several times. i lost an full yellow bub (i had 100per goin to AA, doh! /facepalm) was pwned in the plane of time. i was pwned in the guild hall. i was pwned in a graveyard and i was pwned in another zone i still dont know where i was. my little journey to help another turned into a 5 hour raid for me in the plane of time!
you guys never explained to me what was going to happenevery step of the way.
i took a leap of faith with a touch of insanity every step of the way.

there were two results last night that i would like to reflect on.....
1. i had the time of my life!

2. i out aggroed a lvl 95 warrior and promplty got my arse handed to me. anngus (imm not spelling that right) had a fabled sarym over his knee spanking her and asking her "whose your daddy?" as i scratched her ankles for 20 and 30pts each when she summoned me and sent me to the afterlife with her sneeze....."Oh yeah baby, i still got it!"
say what you want about a pally but if i want that mob you are making your bish, i can take her from ya.

so in conclusion, this pally is gimp... but im scrappy.

Game On, Eternal Sovereign!
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Post by Bashyourhead »

LMAO,, sounds like you had about as much fun as i did lastnight / today,,,yes a 24 hour grind,,to pump up 43% xp,,ans some 30ish aa's,,got trained several times,,but man what a blast,,took a licken,,and kept on ticken :D
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Post by Lorai »

Hehee, that was an interesting night... You did die a lot! But being a raid cleric means I'm conditioned to heal the tank assigned to stand between me and the mob, so... It's always a hard decision :P I always sneak in group arbitrations and heals when I can, but unfortunately you weren't in my group to benefit from those.

That was quite an experience for me too... "Lorai what's GL and GH?" "Here I'll show you...and here's the portal...we'll change it to PoTime..." PeWf, Straman zoned into Argath. "Um, Straman, where are u bound? Pallies can't gate?? Do you have gate potions?? Is there a wizard in Argath?? Oooh, Origin hotkey! Go there! You went where??? Geeze I don't even know where that is..." LoL

And "okay I died, and I'm hovering over my body looking down at it. Shouldn't I be naked in Qeynos??"

Actually it was hilarious fun. Glad you got some levels back Sunday, and you will get more. I retired from 2006 to Feb 2011, came back lvl 70 (i think?) with < 300 AA's. I level'd up and was back to raiding in no time, and I'm about to ding 3000 AA's. They come much faster now, but I'm an overworked, casual player or I'd have more!

Glad you had fun. You did play well, and took it well too! :P Once you get back in the game regularly and start swimming again, it will all come back to you, and more!

~ Why is there never enough time to do something right the first time, but always time to do it over? ~
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