CROSSFIT my workout of choice

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CROSSFIT my workout of choice

Post by Bend »

Food for thought.

This is the only workout system that i have found superior to others. Do we have any others doing Crossfit in the guild? I have been doing Crossfit for about 5 years now, and currently train College and Pro football players with the Crossfit tech.

Here is my latest project

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Post by Opus »

I know nothing about training football players, except the book I read The Strongest Shall Survive by Bill Starr. My friends and I used (and still use) this book as the corner stone o our weight lifting..I know we don't do this for football or anything but it's an amazing gym plan for anyone wanting to get stronger.

I did notice the guy in the video not locking out his bench or dead lifts..also he was bouncing on his bench very noticeably. I don't mean to sound like a jerk but proper form is a pet peeve of mine =\ :oops:
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Post by timmorns »

Crossfit I think is one of the most bad ass forms of fitness they are who got me interested in kettlebells from and High-intensity interval training (HIIT). Gonna be picking up one of the Concept2 Rowers soon
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Post by Nathanar »

He was fully extending the 310lb reps )) Guy is a monster hope he gets a spot on a team.
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Bonus info for noobs.

Post by Bend »

You be elite you must feed the motor the poper diet. Nothing out of a box, can or bag. No potatos, rice, white flour, or sugar. To increase strength and power you must maintain a level insulin out put. If you do this your liver will store sugar for future workout and not burn the sugar in your system. In other words if we eat like a caveman you will be as strong as one.

Eat this... 1. EAT FAT but the correct fats... olive oil, almonds ,nuts and seeds. and yes bacon!!! 2. Lean protien 3 times a day the size and width of your hand. 3. The proper carbs. nothing white.... Colorful, green, red, purple ( but not corn or carrots to much sugar) Yams sweat potatos ETC.

Split your dinner plate into 3 sections and fill with what is mentioned above.

After a workout no later then 5 minutes after stopping and before cooling down you must feed the machine... drink at least 40 grams of protein powder, do not mix with water or milk... this is the only time you want to have a sugar spike so mix with power aid or orange juice... yum!! This will help push the protein into the muscle for healing and to reduce inflamation. If you wait to long and you cool down don't take it. you are only elite when you are warm and sweaty otherwise you are just like everyone else and the protien will have been a waste.

Last step is take alot of fish oil!!! Fish pil is a anti inflamatory and will help on the sore days... take triple stregnth 3 in the morning and 3 at nite before bed.

Oh yea drink water but not alot... Learn to function with little water and don't drink until you are done with your workout... that is your prize when you are done with a workout. Doing this will train yuor body to function at a high level even when dehydrated.

When training to win remember this quot from the FSU locker room above door heading out to field.

" You opponent is training harder then you are... what are you gonna do about it!"

If you want any advise just post i will respond. :)

This link is a good start...[b][/b]
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