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Another One Bites The Dust

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:47 am
by Chitiwok
Dear Friends,

Prior to this past Saturday, it seemed like it had been Forever since Eternal Sovereign had last had a meaningful progression win. We were certainly Under Pressure to get things moving along again, as farming the same targets over and over had started to feel like Chinese Torture, akin to participating in an endless Bicycle Race. Fortunately, we were able to finally Breakthru the Cliknar Guardians event with the force of a Dragon Attack and only the Killer Queen stood between us and the next tier of Underfoot raids. To that end, there would be Action This Day.

We rushed back into the hive in Arthicrex so quickly we had Blurred Vision, our Body Language confident in our ability to push through to defeat the zone's remaining Fat Bottomed Girls after finally overcoming the zone's first test. We had Good Company this day, managing to actually field a full raid of 54. As we entered the chamber, I shouted to the raid (adorned in my finest Aviak battle visage) "Spread Your Wings, and become Death on Two Legs!" At this point the Rangers asked whether that meant they wouldn't be allowed to use their wolf illusion buffs. The only reply I could muster in response to such a silly query in the middle of my impassioned speech was, "Just Keep Yourself Alive."

I tried to lull the savage Queen into a false sense of security by walking up to it and saying "You're My Best Friend," however, as I approached the beast a cry of "God Save the Queen!" rang out around the room and its servants were upon us. The battle raged, and just as it seemed the Queen was about to expire, she shouted out "Save Me! Let Me Live!" causing a new wave of minions to appear to come to her aid. Fortunately, we were able to get the leader Dead On Time, and the Cliknar Queen was the Loser In The End. As we cleaned up the remaining servants, cries of "All Dead, All Dead!" and "We Are the Champions!" rang out through the hive.


When multiple progression wins come this fast, it feels like A Kind Of Magic, and Eternal Sovereign will certainly have the Staying Power to Tear It Up as we dive Headlong into the upcoming T7 Underfoot raids. After such a rapid period of progression, some may say "Don't Try So Hard," but we shall defiantly reply "Don't Stop Me Now!" We're Doing All Right, and be warned T7 mobs - We Will Rock You. Coming Soon - more guild firsts.


P.S. Bohemian Rhapsody

P.P.S. Congratulations to Eternal Sovereign's seventh guild leader, Kazh, on taking the reigns this past Saturday! A special thanks goes out to our previous guild leader, Nizzi, for all the hard work and dedication put in during his time at the helm. Potential recruits - don't be frightened of Kazh. He may be scaley and evil-looking, but he only wants Somebody to Love.