I think this guy might be Nizzi's little brother

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I think this guy might be Nizzi's little brother

Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

From Evilgamer.net from some everquest messageboard.

The sk's are having fun quoting this guy; I think he is funny. Is this your little brother Nizzi?


qsnoopyjr wrote:

Ya know server merge was success, I mean how can you fail at making a server and another server merge and get bigger. But this only affects the present time, oh sure after awhile things will go back to normal, sure we got more people on the servers, guess what, guilds will die because oh hey we have a 2nd top raiding guild and soandso in this guild on this server was waiting for another guild to raid such and such, so he leaves his midtier raid guild for the new high tier he sees because the high tier that was on his server he didnt like but he knows nothing about this new high tier so oppurtunity for him, thus high tiers getting beefy and mid tiers dieing.

People always think best outcome by server merge, my guild will have more people now. Guess what, if theres guilds better than your guild, your guild has very good chance at LOSING people thus dieing.

But thing thats most important, is keeping everyone playing EQ. Theres a reason why they did the mergers, EQ is BORING to many people. Of course not us, but the people who quit. Why did they quit? BECUASE IT WAS BORING. Guess what, more and more people will continue to quit, because theres a reason, its BORING.

So the next expansion, it better be a sell out. They better make it amazing. Because if not, you see 900 people in GL now, guess what, you gonna see 300 a year from now, than 150 and so on.

Oh sure it looks good right now, but its like a party. You got lots of people there. Now you got to entertain them, so they dont leave. Cuz one guy goes, another guy sees him leave and decides to leave too and domino effect occurs. "oh my best friend quit EQ, I mine as well quit too".

What you developers did is what I call short term entertainment. Oh sure people will be happy for time being. But a couple of weeks from now, people going to be wanting more. Content is what long term entertainment is.

Oh look people running around with best raid gear, now what? Goto GL and just awe yourself at how many people are AFK there. Oh hey guys 500 people in GL. Then you go run around bored to death or just talk in general chat because there is nothing else to do. Then person starts to think about quitting, and he quits. Just like suicide, when people start thinking about killing themselves, what do they do? Kill themself.

So there better be a good reason why you guys did server merge, is it getting ready for something, or is it because EQ is dieing, and because of your lack of effort to make good content to attract people and KEEP people.

There better be BIG BAD BOSSES there should be no excuse now that people cant handle them. Yes I'm talking about the kind that TRACK YOU DOWN and from other side of the zone SNEAK and AMBUSH you, you dont get no aggro letting you know hes after you, you get aggro when he slaps you to death. Oh and guess what, you had a warning, you see no one in one of the most populated zones, hrmmm wonder why, bad news is there. You feel the ground shake aka your screen shakes, yup, bad news just entered the zone and is mobilizing to someone in the zone. Yes his army, yeah they going after people. Oh sure you might fight some weakling mob, but then 10 more come and 10 more and then you see the king of kings, the BIG BAD BOSS and he just obliterates you. Guess what, they run FASTER than bardspeed, so if you dont get out of that zone immediately, they just going to start outnumbering you and stunning yo uand snaring you, your dead, you mine as well just kill yourself. You gotta make these guys BAMF, they need to make people tremble in fear. You gotta make them terrorize people and make them go by the raid instance and practically guard it so people cannot do normal raids. You gotta make raiders want to form a massive raid to defeat them. This has got to get several people involved. Oh sure, they respawn every week or two. Nope they dont drop a lot of gear they only drop like 3 pieces of gear. Point is to get people involved. PLAYER INTERACTION. It dont matter if you got a lot of people on the servers, theres a reason why people quit, because of boredom.

Now the next expansion, *shakes head* theres nothing better at this point now than a JUNGLE type zone. And if the expansion is called "house of thule" hrm Cazic THule, its kinda jungly if you ask me. I mean you gotta have rafts, make people wait 15 mins for rafts to get to zones, ignore there whining, if people enjoy that zone so much they should camp in that zone and not go back to GL. Fog makes zone slower. However lots of trees dont. And guess what, dont make mobs sit there and wait for people. Introduce mobs that are the hunters, they hunt you down, you think you safe camping for a potty break because mobs dont look for you and just run after you from across the zone just to kill you, well think again, come back from that potty break, you have been demolished by a king sized raptor that looks... tough mean, IDK the word, the kind of look where you wanna run away because hes just too darn scary or fearful. The kind that pop out of the trees like in Jurassic Park, the guy turns around and you got the raptor face in front of you and yup time to RUN LIKE . You gotta introduce mobs that are just you see them, you dont mess with them, and sometimes they hunt you down. You gotta make people feel like mortals in this game, not like how it is right now. Man I'm Karian, I can take anything in group game. You gotta introduce mobs that make both raiders and groupers scared of them. You dont need to make this game perfect, make some mobs even untrackable. Be like, this zone is too dense in forest, your visibility of your track has been seriously reduced, so instead of rangers seeing half the zone or the entire zone, they only see very little of it. At least they know whats in that bush over there. You gotta make these mobs BIGGER. I mean, RAPTORS are bigger, and T-REX, oh man they gotta be huge, make mobs run away when T-REX is up. make the screen shake aka the ground, make people FEEL they are in the game. I dont know what this one game is, but I saw it on TV and the boss mob is litterally so big, hes takes up the entire screen, hes like 3 screens worth of bigness. Imagine BIG BYNN more beefy and 5 times more bigger thats how big he was. Oh this expansion dont just gotta be about dinosaurs, make tribal people in it, gotta do insane stuff like 200+ man BIG BAD BOSSES like 3 times to raise faction and guess what, you need to be ally to do the final raid. So guess what, instead of raids being difficult to hinder people beating it fast, they gotta go through long process and many trials that involves the SERVER to help those end game raid guilds to do those end game raids. You need to make people interact with each other. Not just, oh we way too good for everyone else. Make people WANT to help others out, because if others are stronger TOO, the easier the BIG BAD BOSSES. People helping people out, is PLAYER INTERACTION. This is called forcing people to interact with others, they dont have to talk to others, but if they want some BIG BAD BOSS dead, guess what, you cant do it alone, you cant do it with your raid guild, you gonna need help, hes not just picking on you guys, hes picking on everyone, everyone wants him dead, everyone needs helps, everyone forms up and bigger the force, the better the chance of killing the BIG BAD BOSS. Heck you dont even have to make him drop anything good, hes terrorizing everyone, your reward is him not terrozing you all.

But the jungle type zone, gots to be a lot of trees, mobs got to roam, you gotta make mobs scary, they gotta be faster than bardspeed, you need mobs to scary and hunt people down. Its a friggin jungle what do you expect? to know where every creature is, and to know if theres any predators out there? NOPE, in a real jungle you dont know where that 50 foot 10 ton anaconda is at. You dont know if theres a rhino in that bush. You dont know if theres a rabid monkey on top of that tree. YUP make mobs on top of trees, I know you guys not good enough to make them hang on trees so just place them on top of trees. Make people actually feel as if they are in the game. Make em be aware of there surroundings, make em look up down left right, notice if screen is shaking or not, notice if any mobs howled, make them IN THE GAME. When you hear that lion roar, you know its out to get someone, oh you dont have aggro, but he might be after you, make there be new aggro system, when mobs are hunting you down, not you aggroed them, you dont get aggro, until you get hit or you see him and you attack him. You GOTTA make people jump out of there seats because ROAR, newb a "AWHHHH I cant see I cant see, too many trees" BOOM, health went down to 30% and your stunned, BOOM you dead. Heck make them push back you or something, add an affect that just shocks your character. Gotta make them feel as if they are in the game, not playing the game.

Like I said, fog makes zone lag, trees dont, make lots of trees, heck make bushes and stuff, make the player feel very small. Make these trees have a lot of leaves and stuff you cant see whats behind this bunch of trees and stuff, heck make lots of ponds and make a river and need to take a raft to get to next zone, raft takes long time, and make that next zone cool zone, so people wait, and guess what, CHANCE at player interaction. Heck make the zone after that like LOST, make 200+ people defeat a BIG BAD BOSS and then they all take big ferry or something or go through to other side of tunnel BIG BAD BOSS was guarding and 30 seconds later, BOOM bunch of trees crackle and you see a bunch of trees fall down and everyone is like "whats over there" heck make the screen shake and stuff. Theres two big things in a MMORPG that makes it successful. Feeling as if you are in the game, and PLAYER INTERACTION. Mobs chasing you, your no longer playing the game, your in the game, the game is playing you. BIG BAD BOSSES now terrozing you instead of you terrozing them, you not playing the game, the game is playing you.

All your discord type expansions, freaking failures. If this next expansion is another discord type, guess what, its a freaking failure. Better be Jungle type, I want EQ to strive more than you do, thats why I'm helping you out. But guess what, keep ignoring and failing. Go ahead listen to these peeps and make more raid game, and more raids easier, and drops easier. Doesnt help you at all in making the game more popular though, it only feeds there mouths with greed.

Oh and another thing, what I have seen a lack of in this game recently is hiddin walls, traps, stuff in that nature. Doing a bunch of OMMS, I began to realize the current game is boring and dull, there is no "beware of this area" "trap here" "hidden walls here" "fake bridge here" the current game is just laid out and blah. Its just a massive zone and theres nothing to it. There is no more mazes, and such, its just boring and dull. Especially SoD. Look at it, most of there zones, just a big wide open space filled with mobs, thats it. BORING and DULL. Even the zones that arent techincally a big open space, theres nothing to it, theres no traps and hidden areas and such, just invis your way past them. Lots of korafax unused, lots of those type of zones unused. Make the next expansion, just stuff littered everywhere, you gotta have your rasper map up at all times, to know theres a trap here and a hidden path there and cage drops down here and bunch of zombies or such root you and just eat you alive. Make people KNOW the zone, make there lots to it KNOW too. Thats why mobs move around, they make you use up the zone, none of this static stand here all day kind of nameds and mobs, you dont use the zone that way. Make these guys have like 20 different paths. Make em like finding the hunter and forager in trakanon teeth.

See these server merges, they wont help for long, you gotta make a blowout expansion, the going is getting really tough. You only satisfied people by making them know that lots of people still play. But the game is still boring and hasnt changed at all. You gotta step up. Theres other games, and you know they out for the kill, and if your not stepping up your game, you doing to dead to them. The games coming out now, they stepping up in every given way. Graphics, content, voice spoken NPCs, raids, game effects, weather. They making use of peoples 1TB hardrives and 8GB RAM super high graphics cards, they gonna make there game just seem amazing, it dont matter if theres a bunch of people here and people know others play, if they see a game that is just BETTER than this game completely, you know they gonna quit, and 1 by 1, domino effect begins and your back to merging AGAIN.

Oh and about the BIG BAD BOSS, dont forget to make several events occur, you gotta make it HARD, not diffcult. Now heres the difference. UF raids are DIFFICULT because they hit too hard. Air2 is HARD because you gotta do this silly event and if someone messes up oh bad news happens, and 1 person messes up, it just makes it even more harder and someone else is likely to mess up and yeah you fail. hence why Air2 is considered one of the most HARDEST raids in EQ. Because you gotta pay attention and be active, EVERYONE has to be active, no more I'm a wizard, I stand in this spot, just nuke and I hear emote every now and then and run out and run back in. nah its vortex is moving and you gotta pay attention and be in this tiny area and nuke these adds than target on named and so on.

Now with BIG BAD BOSSES, like I keep telling ya, INVOLVED mini kronds aka LOCK EYES AND SNORTS and just scare the out of people because they being chased and if they get hit, BOOM and people around them that died, yup they angry, yup RL is angry, he wants to kick you out because you dumb newb. But in BIG BAD BOSSES, more people, hey they target a newb, maybe he knows how to run, less chance some expert has to run. Because guess what, theres like 10 mini kronds, if you got small force, they more likely to target person you dont want them to target. Heck make mobs that require you to use a certain weapon when he hits you, if you tanking them with wrong weapon, he just beating the life out of you then, he hits harder then. Gotta make charmers, lots of them, it has to be a CHAOTIC epic battle, like no side is winning, its just CHAOS. You got people doing all sorts of things, the spin stun mobs are spin stunning people to death, and you got some dinosaur breathing fire at people and if people in his range area dont duck, YUP they goners. Make mobs shake the ground and make people jump. You gotta have so many wierd events going on at once, its has to be EPIC.
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