Guide to Raiding

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Guide to Raiding

Post by Twinkeltoes »

Stealing this from the SK boards, but it's sage advice to follow. (Warning SK's tend to have potty mouths)

Things I have observed Raiding. Follow these and you will see your raid frce turn into a well oil machine..
Theres a bunch I know I missed so feel free to add your own

Rule #1 DPS Classes should use all the burn disc in the first 3% of the fight then vehemently complain about how lousy the tanks are at keeping aggro.

Rule #2 DI Everyone except the guy on rotation

Rule #3 The term "tank switch" means stop healing long enough ofor both tanks to die

Rule #4 Never Take aggro from a ranger until he calls weaponshield

Rule #5 Tankings Corners are traditionally assigned for some mobs. The Common rule of thumb for this maneuver is to be sure everyone engages on aggro. Once engaged refer to rule #1.

Rule #6 Pet hold is only necessary for lesser pet classes (sk/shm) ** I want to thank Darksidhe for pointing this out

Rule #7 Never use ghold. NEVER. It makes you have to the pet attack button more as opposed to hold. (btw if your using pet hold and not an sk or shm . your already breaking the god damn rules)

Rule # 8 Raid instructions to not cure are optional and the mere mention of the word cure means cure unles, your really needed to cure, then be assured its not necessary because someone else will.

Rule #9 In fact on that note. raid instructions in general are just inane chatter intended to give the raid leader a sense of self importance. This is good time to go make food.

Rule #10 Everyone wants to know the score of the Sunday night football game at critical stages during the raid. it is up to you to provide this information. (play by plays really do help morale) i.e Strat Breakdown, add pops, etc

Rule #11 Whenever you se 5-10 mobs mezzed be assured a Shadowknight is aeing hate all over them. This makes the chanter somewhat safe so by all means help the shadowknight out in targetting what mob to kill is imperative that at least 6 people randomly attack those mobs or the world will explode

Rule # 12. If you have Observed Rule #1 during the cours of the fight your disc may become available to use again. DO NOT USE THEM. save them for the mobs last 3% to ensure you get the kill shot. it is amazing you have made it this far. you should get the credit you deserve.

Rule # 13 Healers should leave tank at 40% at end of fight. you want to save mana for the next mob

Rule # 14 On The toughest mobs sometimes the only way for the tank to survive is to cast DA. Bards are exceptional at this since they can DA both the healer and tank they are grouped with

Rule #15 Sometimes the pull team needs a break.. If you get aggro travelling run to the raid to make sure they can see that your in trouble (Darksidhe contributed this one as well. it seems he raids with the same people i do)

Rule #16 If you somehow end up boxing a healer always keep in mind that your main toons health is by and far the most important toon on the raid. self preservation is key here.

Rule #17 If folllowing Rule #15 and an Evade/fd/da class be sure to use these abilities so your raid force can resolve the situation for you. If for some reason things go badly and you end up only one left..dont taunt those dead losers into a jealous rage. simply say "what happened?" or "who pulled that"

Rule # 18 On occasion you will be asked to fight mobs surrounded by mobs that appear to not want t fight.. This can be confusing. Use your ae tools in this situation. Your a Raid everything needs to die

Rule #19 You really dont need the Expedition to use the guild banner.

Rule # 20 Rangers should always be taunting. it prevents them from running away with aggro,

Rule #21 No matter how many times a Strat has been changed for a particular event. always follow the one from the first attempt

#22: if a tank dies and then gets a battle rez, under no circumstances should any class buff them - it's not like they're gonna be doing anything, right?

#23: if a tank dies and then gets a battle rez, be sure to yell at them if they're not tanking something within 17 seconds of the rez, because they're being lazy and trying to get DKP for free.

#24: if you're a buffing class, ensure that you absolutely *always* have to be reminded to buff people and never just refresh the fucking thing 5 minutes before it wears off... UNLESS a person was just rezzed, in which case start throwing DI and regen on them the instant they pop back in so you fuck up them trying to get up their clickies.

#25 a Caster dies mid-raid and a Paladin tries to rezz them and they refuse to take a Pally rezz because they dont wanna lose XP
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

#26: if you're a paladin in a guild wherein the clerics can spare it to be able to battle rez people, ensure that you always try and be 'helpful' by jumping in and 90% rezzing someone right after the cleric announces in the raid channel that they're 96% rezzing that person... take the initiative, it makes everyone like you.

#27: Never use /afk when you go afk, especially if you are a buffing class. Also make sure to be afk between events when people are trying to get buffs, then complain loudly in /gu about getting asked for buffs during the event and why didn't they get buffs before the event started.

#28: /assist is for pussies. All you need is f8 and an autoattack key to win. the MA's only purpose is to tell the tanks what mob the wizards will be tanking instead of them.

#29: Standing too close to your group healer might get them dead when you explode from that nasty death touch dot...always make sure to be as far away from them as possible when asking for cures!

30. Best time to afk is just before engage ... you deserve your time !

31. If you go afk do NOT tell anyone ... you deserve privacy !
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

#32 Taunting the mob off the MT will give you rampage.

#33 If you are new to raiding, don't follow ANY instructions do ANYTHING that is asked of you. You are new and it should be expected that your newbness causes a wipe or two while you warm up.

#34 If the pulling team asks for a little bit of room it means: A) Move closer to inspect why they need more room B) Go AFK C) Both A then B.

#35- If someone gets really low on health during a pull, by all means run up and heal them before they fade/FD, ensuring that the mob will come for you, making you look like a hero by completing the pull and getting the mob into camp.

#36 Main Assist is just a guideline. If you got a weapon, fucking use it at all times. Ignore the enchanters that claim you're breaking their precious mezing

#37 Always position pets to push mobs up the walls. Especially if there is a roof they can pop through. Once they disappear, they won't be doing any more damage to the tank.

#38 Voice of Thule is an excellent DPS buff for Monks, Berserkers and Rangers. Don't forget the Necros too.

39. Never masturbate with only one hand while raiding, especially if you're a paladin. You'll end up DA-ing yourself while OT adds instead of stun-locking them. Instead, clear the pipes before the raid.

#40- you should definitely tab out to check out whatever youtube video, internet picture, or new song people have been talking about right before the boss is pulled since you won't have to worry about getting aggro from trash.
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

41. Make sure you schedule your heaviest movie and porn downloads for raid times. It's dead time anyway - not like you need your bandwidth for the game. This way you can look ultra cool as you lag moonwalk your way through the zone.

rule # 42 would you like to port to (inset zone name) = would you like to port to guild standard

#43- Always, always, ALWAYS pester the healers in the heal rot to rez you, especially if you died out of their cast range and they have to take time to find your body.

#44- Spamming typed out pictures (Roflcopter, a giant 'LOL' made of nothing but backslashes, etc) is acceptable behavior in raid chat.

#45- Always assume your raid is going to have everyone roll like an idiot and spam a bunch of /100 rolls as soon as you see a piece of loot you want.

#46- Always use the loot channel to tell the raid why X loot item is better for your class than other classes and/or you than someone else of your own class.

#47- Always wait to follow rule #46 after loot drops and bidding has already begun.

#48 - Replace Form of Defense with Form of Endurance

#49 if you are a wizzy you should be ma, after all the second a mob is engaged you are dropping your biggest nukes and making tanks look like dumbasses anyways

#50 - If you're pulling/tagging a caster mob to the raid that has stopped to cast, do NOT break line of sight and make it chase you. It's much more important that you give DPS classes a chance to unload on it from afar and get you summoned to it while it's still far enough from your healers to keep them safe.

#51- If a Cleric needs to camp out for any reason, please make sure you run right on top of them while they are camping, especially if you are about to die, so they hopefully see you and get up to heal you, because keeping you up for another 6 seconds is far more important than saving people a long run back.

#52 - Always link end game loot you got from serverwide channel in raidchat at the most challenging part of an event.. People need motivation right?
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

#53 - Wizards/Druids should always randomly evac/group tl to bind mid event. You were already there for the dkp log, and it's not like you're doing anything important, and neither is the rest of your group. It's more time to ninja afk and check those downloads.

Rule #54 Casters when on aggro of leashed mobs be sure to run away as fast as you can especially, if it regens the mob to full health.. you life is worth fare more than the additional ten minutes spent on the mob

#55 - HP regen > Mob DPS

#56 "Pack in tight" means spread out to get a better view.

#57 Yes means no and no means yes.

#58 - HP aug in shield > all

#59 - Linking group loot thats better then whats being bid on does not make you look like a douchebag

#60 - If your a cleric it is perfectly fine to ignore emotes because you need to heal, No one will blame you anyways your the fucking cleric!

#61 - Ignoring MA assist calls is fine if you catch a mob with A MA ring on it cause obviously he's going to call that one.

#63 - Leaving the raid before you get a kill you need still means you can bitch about how you don't have the flag still.

#64 - If you do an event more then once and know the calls, it's prefectly fine to afk right before the as usual move call.

#65 - Logging in late for raids and bitching about a low number target thats called is totally understandable

#66 - It's true the raid leader really does care about your tells of shits you took during instructions.

#67 - If your new to a guild you have every right to bitch about the loot system and how you never win anything

#68 - Item windows are for retards bid on everything that dropped

#69 - The raid leader enjoys spelling out every single detail of the event nightly so learning the event isn't really that important

#70 - The best time to look at what an event drops is either right before the start or in the middle of it.

#71 - Never open the guild window during the normal raid times, Just assume the raid was called and everyone wants to help you do your progression mission.

#72 - Your so bad ass you should have all the agro, taunt off other tanks cause your name NEED's to be in the HoTT

#73 - Screw Find PC or those X's in your map window .. get pissed and rant in guild about how your lost until someone comes to you

#74 - It's useless to learn the zone your in, if you get lost still on the 20th target farming refer to #73

#75 - When the raid leader says stop here or the puller says wait here don't listen, your above the rest and no one will laugh at you. honest

#76 - If you wipe, make sure to tell the RL he's an idiot and you know what to do, you want to win after all

#77 - Raids are the best time to gossip with friends about the latest TV Shows, especially if you're a healer class, DPS should know how to control their aggro and there's other clerics to heal the tanks

#78 - When every event is called, ask aloud "why do we never do X raid," especially if the event is semi-old and drops something you never had the DKP to win when it was worthwhile to kill...everyone knows the raids hinge on your skillz, and it's time you got some payback.

#79 - If you're not a buffer, you don't really need to be present during buffing sessions, go AFK. Just make sure you get back about 30 seconds before event starts so you can send tells to all the buffers for all the buffs you need....they'll need you if they want to win, right?
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

Rule # 80 Emote spamm needs to goto the junk window. if its an important emote someone will send you a tell

#81 Make sure you continue to hail a corpse as people may have missed it.

#82 Make sure you always talk in say when there are mobs that are triggered by keywords as you may accidentally discover a new quest.

#83 When you do an event for the first time or an event you've never won, it's more important to say Hi and small talk with everyone who logs in rather than listening to raid instructions. Those people appreciate you making them feel special.

#84 On burn fights, DPS classes should be careful to save at least half of their endurance. I mean, what if you wipe?

#85 If you're the person in the guild everyone hates because you constantly AFK during events and basically get free dkp, don't worry about it. They give you a hard time cause they like you so much.

#86 When running to zones that have see invis mobs near by, just keep running as fast as you can through, don't bother trying to go around them. You have spells like DA for a reason don't worry about the people who are around the zone line, they are probably there to mass kill the mobs anyways.

#87 When following rule 86 if you don't make it the guild can have someone just drag you to the zone line and rez you. That's what friends are for right?
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

#88 Clerics if punished by being put into a knight kite group are required to make 2 hotkeys.
1.WTF dumass you are out of range I can't heal you.
2.WTF dumass you are too close I got aggro

#89 Clerics in no way should EVER move ever if they are healing kiters.

#90 AFK while waiting for the target to be announced. Try to time things so you can use the guild portal just before the banner is set, so you spend the first ten minutes of trash pulling running to catch up.

#91 If you are late (see #84) and the banner gets planted, portal immediately before someone hands in the banner stone.

#92 When you die, and its clear it will be a minute before you get a rez, hover until your timer runs out. Do not go back to bind, make a pet, buff, gear, and suspend it. For that matter, you should see if you can get a refund on persistant minion AA, now that its not necessary for saving you time when you log in.

#93 Also, when you die, do not banner back to a fight in progress. Its much better to wait for a rez, so you arrive later, with no mana; the fact that this rez may well not happen until after the kill is so much the better, that way you are there for loot but don't have to waste any more of your time fighting.

#94 If rezzed, wait as long as possible before accepting. AFK on death is a good way to achieve this. If your rez box fades, its a good idea to complain in the raid channel that you still haven't been rezzed, nobody can see the messages the clerics use to tell each other which bodies they are rezzing.

#95 If a TL to bind box shows up, click yes. Do not bother reading where the raid leader says "take TL only if you can't stay for the next target". Running back for the next target is good exercise, and the time spent on it will be time where you don't have to help clear trash.
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Post by Ylyrra »

Hahah... yes.. I actually read all 95..
#94 If rezzed, wait as long as possible before accepting. AFK on death is a good way to achieve this. If your rez box fades, its a good idea to complain in the raid channel that you still haven't been rezzed, nobody can see the messages the clerics use to tell each other which bodies they are rezzing.
Loved this one! They missed one however:

#96 Please send a tell to a cleric for a rez, then start running back to the zone so you are zoning when the rez box lands. Clerics really love to rez people twice.
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