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ES Costume Contest 2009!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:52 pm
by Kyreth
Monday night started out on a festive note for Eternal Sovereign, as Guild Leader Nizzi decreed that we would have a costume contest before beginning our raids. All who wished to participate were bid to dress up and accessorize in a creative manner, and prepare a one-liner for the event.

As seven o'clock rolled around, the Guild Hall was filled with a variety of characters that had never before been seen all in one place, and as the contest began I think that all the contestants breathed a sigh of relief to see that SoE Fan Faire 2009 Costume Contest Alumnus, Grakdrak the Ninja, had not showed up.

<img src=" ... t_2009.jpg" alt="Costume Contest 2009" height="388" width="900">

One by one, the costumed revelers stepped into the center of the Guild Hall and popped a pose while spouting off their one-liner. A collection of which I have put together below. See if you can match the lines to the costumes above!

<div align="center"><img src=" ... ners_2.gif" alt="Costume Contest One-Liners" height="45" width="491"></div>

After all was said and done, however, there could be only three prize winners! The decision for the judges was a difficult one, as everyone had brought their A-game. And so, after a lengthy debate, it was decided that the winners were Blazegno in first place as the smooth talking janitor, Fafhurd in second place being the hungry floating skull, and Kanadezzra in third place portraying a dead ranger!

<img src=" ... inners.jpg" alt="Costume Contest Winners" height="437" width="900">

Blazegno chose the Mystery Box over the 50K platinum, and ended up with an Amulet of Necropetence to call his very own! By default, Fafhurd won the 50K platinum, and Kanadezzra won some delicious Buckets of Crab Legs!

So whether you were a contestant, rowdy onlooker, or judge, thank you for your participation in what was hopefully a fun night for all involved!! I look forward to seeing what people come up with next year, now that you have 12 months to prepare!