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Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:23 pm
by Kyreth
Last night the cheers of victory rang through the Eternal Sovereign guild hall as we celebrated our defeat of Event 2 in the Tower of Discord. Great job everyone on pulling together and adding another kill to our list!

<div align="center"><img src=" ... ower_2.jpg" alt="Eternal Sovereign Wins Tower 2" height="288" width="756"></div>

Keep on rocking, raid leaders, and raiders, and pets, and inanimate objects! It is only a matter of time before the next event falls at our feet.

Also, I would like to say to our new probationary members, Devendra and Miraculous, and all the other wonderful people who have joined us since I last welcomed people in a news update.. welcome to the family! It's good to have you all :)

And a little aside for those of you who were not aware that singing of the Milkshake song is completely forbidden in ES. If you are caught singing it, you will be guild removed. Taunto and I have tried to get away with this multiple times, yet no attempt has been at all successful, until Chitiwok's recent rendition of Ye Olde Milkshake Ballad.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... kshake.jpg" alt="Ye Olde Milkshake Ballad" height="216" width="513"></div>

And so, the creative use of the Old English language spared Chitiwok the painful sting of the guild removal. May we all strive to someday be that wily.

Peace out, internets! Until next time..