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Move over Willy Wonka, It's ES's turn

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:30 pm
by fazin
What does that mean? Oh nothing just proof that even ES has strange wonders to show in our own realm with the viewing of not 2...not 3...but *5* guild first kills.

How would you like to meet a minotaur that think he's a magician? That's right a minotaur that can actually summons GOLEMS! such a blasphemy right?! RIGHT! So what did our ES mages have to say? DEATH TO DEEPSCAR!!! We had no choice but to comply.

*picture to come*

But lo and behold that isn't all!, I'm sure you met dragons of all kind, the living, the undead (Hi Trak!), The crystalline, the Prismatic about a MECHANICAL type! Yup. and you guessed it. It's been made by a gnome! Damn gnome must had found a location with Home depot and Radio Shack side by side. damn the capitialism! Of course as soon as we stumbled into its lair, we very well couldn't allow it to eat up our tourists! So, slay it we did.

*picture to come*

And watch the flying contraption! that's right. It hovers, it turns on a dime. It's.....ANGRY! (how exactly does a machine become angry? 50 bucks it must had rented Maximum Overdrive). It called itself Spindlecrank (I'm glad it wasn't Johnny Five or we would have a rebellion in our guild). So we had no choice but to dismantle it.

*picture to come*

Next we heard about this wereorc prophet that has the ability to control the king of the Bloodmoon Keep in addition to experimenting with crystals that give strange powers. We came, we saw, we ran around like chickens with our head cut off, and then the orc died laughing. Not exactly our finest show of strength but hey we'll take the victory any way we can!

*picture to come*

BIMBALICIOUS THE BUBBLEGUM! I don't think that sound right...but it does sound right doesn't it? but nay. it's not a real bubblegum. It's an angry gnome necromancer. Ironically, all it does is just bring up a mirth of laughter everytime I see an angry gnome screaming in a high pitch voice (like a kid on helium) I'M GONNA RIP YOUR GUTS OUT OF YOUR FESTERING BODY! funny gnome...funny lol.

Of course, I wonder how angry he'll be when he's rezzed and we kill him again...and again. The thought of it just bring a smile to my lips and a laughter bubbling up in my throat. heh...can't wait.

*picture to come*

So there you are, 5 guild first kills in addition to some multiple kills of MB, CMC, Solteris raids and candies for all!