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Solteris 3 - Reduced to Rubble

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:40 am
by Kyreth
With Aprosis the Fourth Confidant firmly put in his place, Eternal Sovereign ventured onward and upward in the dustbowl of Solteris. We fought some decidedly annoying trash mobs until we came across a seemingly solitary golem by the name of Rear Guard Captain Balreth.

Nizzi insisted that Balreth took our jerbs, and gave us the option of either having the guild make out with each other until Balreth gave us our jerbs back, or just straight out killing him. The paladins were highly in favor of the first option, but were heavily outweighed by the rest of us who chose the latter. Stab stab stab.

A battle of epic proportions ensued, but ultimately Eternal Sovereign emerged victorious and - best of all - we got our jerbs back!

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In other news, ES went back to visit an old friend in the Demi Plane of Blood, Mayong Mistmoore himself. We hadn't seen him in a while, but apparently the news that we are continuing to kill his trashy trio of strumpets didn't make for a happy Mayong. And so, we killed him too. Another guild first!

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Our battle with Mayong was made doubly interesting due to the fact that once he started throwing his death touches around, he decided to include the main tank among his targets - something he didn't previously do, and which has since been fixed. This bug in the event meant that we went through tanks like water, and so I would like to thank all of our brave Warriors and Knights who kept throwing themselves at Mayong knowing that they were marching to their inevitable doom.

And, in addition to our regular awesome crew, helping us through these accomplishments are our new members: Debezi, Jebadiah, Muga, and Nenaa - welcome to you all! Enjoy your stay!

Keep up the good work everyone! Until next time, remember:

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