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Solteris 2 - Stairway to Awesome

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:54 pm
by Kyreth
And what has Eternal Sovereign been up to lately besides throwing sexy parties in our Guild Hall? Well, funny you should ask!

On Thursday night, we took another big step forward in progression when we sharpened our pointy sticks, put on our wizard hats and robes, and anihilated the beans out of that peksy vampire, Aprosis the Fourth Confidant, and his weaksauce friends! Party on the whirlygig!

<div align="center"><img src=" ... jpg"></div>

It was during this momentously happy occasion, however, that I experienced a revelation that will change my life forever. Please inspect the lower left corner of the screenshot closely. You will notice that there lies the corpse of one "Chitislow", the supposedly greatest Shaman, nay, player of EQ in all of history! Alas, the hopes and dreams that I once rested upon those noble shoulders, have fallen crashing to the ground, leaving my world in shambles and my heart an empty shell.

But, still, *sigh*, enough about my newly shattered life - we totally beat Aprosis! YAY!

Continuing this joyous streak - welcome Cutitajoal, Elbs, Jarson, and Peski as full members! It is wonderful to have you with us and I wish you many happy memories in the days to come :)

Thank you everyone once again for making it another successful month for Eternal Sovereign; the sheer effort and motivation you all employ to continuously push us forward is simply awesome - and the Living Legacy events prove it.