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Boom goes the Bat, Man! (and various other news things)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:40 pm
by Jaharyss
Many, many things had happened again since the last news flash. For one, the reporter types have slept some.

But let's not get into chatter. Something horrible had happened not even a day ago. ES got ambushed by the Bat, man! But when I say bat, don't be thinking along these lines...

<img src="" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

It was something much bloodier and gruesome. It all started in the shadows while ES was on its usual field trip through the demiplane of fun trying to give out candy to all the good folks around when suddenly......

<img src="" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

So he went

<img src=" ... _aieee.jpg" align="right" hspace="15" vspace="15">

But then WE went like

<img src=" ... e_boff.jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

<div align="center">So he was like ZOMG NEED MORE BATS!</div>

<div align="center"><img src="" alt=""></div>

But we were up to the game there so we just went

<img src=" (382 x 295).jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">
<img src=" ... serie_bang (382 x 292).jpg" align="right" hspace="15" vspace="15">

<div align="center">and</div>

and then he died so we ate his loots and there was much rejoicing.

<div align="center"><img src="" alt=""></div>

On further news, yay for progressing backwards! We've beaten Luclin! ..altho that victory had its pricetag as well.

The SM queen of Vex Thal did not give the victory freely and went kamikazee on us, burrying an unlucky necro with her mighty cleavage.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... ten-Ha.gif" alt=""></div>

Everyone ran to help our slow moving companion, but later on it came out that he did not want to be saved.

We've also smashed all the other fabled bosses and went all tourist-like with our cameras.

Here's a pic of us in The fabled emp ssra's room after our glorious victory..

<img src=" Ssra victory.jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

We had such a fun there.. Nizzi led us around in the pyramid showing us all the good times of the passed days. I thought that to be interesting. Gijo bought a shirt that say "I killed Emp Ssra" and we all laughed because the shirt was too small for him. Rawr ate too many snakes and spent the rest of the day on the toilet. Everyone thought there was too much blood in the room but I did not mind. I liked the added corpses too although the lighting should be adjusted. Tungest agreed with me, but we decided against putting up a petition about it. We were really tight as a group there, altho Eggborn went on her own ways saying she's going to visit her relatives in the mines, but returned shortly saying she does not like the dust in there. I agreed silently, but really I believe she was just scared of the skeletons, she's been always afraid of skeletons. Once she wiped the raid cuz she did not tank her mob on CoT9. She said she was silenced and lost aggro and whatnot, but I saw her running from her own pet. I was bummed at her for weeks, but that's ok. Well anyways..!

Here's us executing a group hug on the fabled Vulak! He does not like hugs though, but we found that out a little late.

<div align="center"><img src=" Vulak.jpg" alt=""></div>

Well that's all from us for now, we're one happy bunch, if you wish to be happy, you need to app to ES for maxi joy joy happyness.

Untill then though keep in mind; Beethoven is the Mozart of Classical music, always gotta eat your veggies, always wash your fruit, and keep your hands above the blanket.
