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New news of new and old things that happened.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:43 am
by Jaharyss
Greetings reader and a good day to you.

I am here today to post news about the state of ES and the world itself. The world is fine, thank you for your concern. Just fine. Or is it? While everything seems fine and dandy, there is evil out there, an invisible evil, and it has many ways to get to YOU! Yes I mean YOU. The invisible forces of the invisible evil will be trying to stop me soon enough as they did with Kyreth and the others before in ES to undermine the good SEVEN years of effort put into maintaining the integrity of one of the oldest non-mandatory raiding guilds out there. I must type fast, and there is much to tell! The agents and methods of the invisible forces of the invisible evil are numerous, widely spread everywhere (Now you're eyeing your cat aren't you! Didn't YOU know it all along too??) and they come in many forms, such as the monetary boundaries forced onto you in the form of outrageously large phone bills, social pressure such as scholarship in various buildings of pure cerebral torture or the voices in your head telling you that the lil nuggets in the hamster cage are organic M&Ms; that is all the work of the invisible forces of the invisible evil! For a while it looked like the invisible evil forces of the invisible evil were winning, but in our long slaughter of fabled monsters we have come across something that may change the tides...

The first innocent sight can be hiding a hideous secret and evil has a face now! ..but before I run ahead of myself.. let me explain the background to my alarming post here and now.

ES has been quite busy in the last couple of months. In the past 4 months or so we've broken into Demi and learned the ropes for all Tier 1 mobs, beaten half the ToB bosses, laid waste to all mobs for the key to Sullon's tower and beaten Sullon's Mutts but even more than just progression has been done! Things got a twisted turn on when mysterious signs started to pop up all over norrath. Skeletons popped up out of nowhere, people went AFK for "learning" and "moving"! That however was just the start! Since the arrival of the evil fabled mobs we've proceeded killing them when ever they would show up and threaten the peacefully natured spiritual integrity of the raiders, pillagers, plan plotters, plant potters, man huggers, tree buggers, and corpse molesters of ES. We do this because we need to protect the innocent, and cuz they're fun.

We are severely outnumbered now with the appearance of the fabled, but it was not always like this.

We've killed trendy mobs..

<img src=" ... llage1.jpg" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5">

We've killed each other..

<img src=" ... hother.jpg" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5">

We've killed ourselves...

<img src=" ... cidal1.jpg" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5">

Although it has been a while, but we've killed GMs too..

<img src=" ... DeadGM.jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

It was good times before the invisible forces of the invisible evil had shown up...

<img src=" Seru1.jpg" align="right" hspace="15" vspace="15">

But fear we shall not, for we killed The Fabled Lord Inquisitor of Seru, striking a fatal blow to the fabled armies of the invisible forces of the invisible evil! We sighted, moved, won and then there was much rejoicing...along with some awesome loots! Such as these highly awesomable items:

<img src=" ... ulewtz.jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

We are kinda hoping they will look better when we wake up tomorrow... but if they don't.. well we got baseball bats, socks stuffed with oranges and machetes to go along with a couple of addresses.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... corpse.jpg" alt=""></div>

We've also laid waste on the wormland and looted much of items, such as a couple of bile drenched robes

<div align="center"><img src=" ... h_robe.jpg" alt=""></div>

a good amount of each of these too..

<div align="center"><img src=" ... rlewtz.jpg" alt=""></div>

but we did get some useful items too!

<div align="center"><img src=" ... tilewt.jpg" alt=""></div>
Grats Centi, and to all of his fans, hang on for more of Centi's wondrous adventures as he plays the lead role in Innerspace 2: the attack of the cockroaches!

We have killed Fabled Khati Sha the Charismatic as well and claimed some inventory improvements. Kinda.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... dKhati.jpg" alt=""></div>

<img src=" ... tilewt.jpg" align="right" hspace="15" vspace="15">

We've lobed ourselves a nice Fabled Crown of the Twisted (forgot to make a pic) for the effort and a couple of spiffy arms that Dr. rot claimed in the name of alt power.

<img src=" ... Khati2.jpg" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15">

We have also laid waste on the Fabled Temple of Veeshan and the fabled dragon population of Western Wastes, looted a plethora of items for youngins and the joyous alt army, a list of links would draw the attention away though from the most important topic of this news report though. Namely the mighty ancient Spinning Orb of Confusion. This one item on its own might not be the key to true freedom for all of ES, but it is powerful enough that it may keep one person safe from the the invisible forces of the invisible evil, and THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the true reason why I am making this post!
Amidst all this killing one may find it difficult to see the signs of the invisible force of the invisible evil, but one hour of intensive use can free anyone's mind (and stomach) of every doubt so that they may see the intricate strings behind the all nicey nicey peaceful blood shedding and looting that ES does daily.

First you realize that Jarson ain't cool... He's frosty...

<div align="center"><img src=" ... thslax.jpg" align="left" alt=""></div>

And then you realize that Nizzi may not even exist anymore and his place has been taken over by an agent of the invisible forces of the invisible evil! So when Nizzi called "AFK for moving" (sure and I have diamonds coming outta my ..!) he actually had to go deliver a sneaky snake spy report on ES for the invisible forces of the invisible evil! I may not have slept for a couple days, I may be twitching uncontrollably, I may even be eating beans from a stick, but for this one fact I HAVE PROOF!

<div align="center"><img src=" ... anizzi.jpg" alt=""></div>

The man everyone knew as "Nizzi" is actually Maurice the space graveyard don juan and the spy for the invisible forces of the invisible evil! The picture proves it along with the added text! (except the FD bit with the emote, but it looked funny after two days of sleep deprivation)

So now you see why Kyr was silenced and by whom, and now you see why Jarson has gone AFK as well, but where have the monks gone and who ate the tuna sandwiches?? Things look grave, but if you feel brave, (rhyming, doesn't it) you can help too! You can join ES in slaughtering mobs, GMs, eachother and even Nizzi and save the world! Send a tell to (the few people who have not been replaced by evil alien mutant cyber zombies YET) Sunnie, Rohgziel or Svarien in game and find out more about the progress of the invisible forces of the invisible evil along with some info on how to join ES to save the world!

Do not hesitate! It may cost you dearly!