Blast from the past

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Blast from the past

Post by Duuece »


Not sure if anyone remembers me but I was a member for short time way back when.

I reconize a few names on the roster list but one stood out as old guildie/groupie

/wave Eggborn!!

Heya how ya been?!?

Basically I am tossing around the idea of coming back to EQ. When I left I was in a bad spot in life and I ended up having to sell allot of non-essential things that I regret doing ( LotR out of print books, cards, and my account, basically anything I had worth more then 20 bucks :( ) Was sad but had to get money so I would not loose my car.

Before I go any farther I feel the right thing to do would be to ask ES if you mind me posting here trying to make contants with old friends and catch up to the game I been away from for so long. It is your board and I am sure you get enough questions from strangers so if you would rather me not I understand.

I do not know where this is going to take me, it may be long term, it may be a few months while I say hello to some old friends. Most likely I will probably not contribute to the ES cause for a while as I am sure you guys are way advanced guild wise and I do not "power level" as I like to enjoy myself as I play and take my time.

Basically I would like to read allot of posts and as I get stuck or confused or maybe I want to share a personal joy; then I would post here.

If that is not ok I understand.

player formally known as Duuece
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Post by Svarien »

Another changer of good quality would always be welcome. Alternatly we are lacking druids if u wanted to change pace a bit. Glad to see you almost back.
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Post by Duuece »

I do not own my old account anymore. I will be playing from scratch. :cry:

Looks like the person who has my account logged in on Feb but their gear for the enchanter and war on the account looks like the stuff I got mostly. Kinda sad it was never used much apparantly.
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Post by Svarien »

just letting u know what we lacking the most of lol chanters and druids are our biggest setback atm due to lack of consistancy
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Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

Hi Duuece!! Nice to see you!!!!

I won't be around as much for the next week or so, but I look forward to seeing you soon!!
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Post by Duuece »

I am playing the level 10 trial thing atm.

Got my titanium package today but gonna wait until I feel comfortable with the game again to activate it.

Have not even decided what classes to play yet.

Are enchanters still buff bishes or do people let them charm on raids now a days?

I use to HATE raiding with my enchanter.
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Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

You mez and buff. I haven't seen a charm encounter in several months. Charm has been nerfed to death.
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Post by Feallun »

Hi Dueece,

Good to hear from you. Good luck in game buddy, can I get a C please. Oops I don't play any more or any less.

If you want to live, keep out of Eggy's group. :P
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Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

Come back Feallun!!.....

Sorry my emailing sucks!!!! Please kick me in the ass. Just talked to another friend tonight that I haven't in years and that sucks too!! I mean , not the talking to part, but the non talking to part. She has been in Germany so long she had problems with English. lol
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