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Avast - A Smorgasbord of Information!

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:11 pm
by Kyreth
Two new mobs fell to ES over the last couple of weeks - Maestro Tan`Lor in the Theater of Blood and Hatchet the Torturer in Demi Plane. Fun events with plenty of adventure for all! Congratulations to those who received loots from the encounters, and to Nizzi and Peill on completing their collection of Demi Plane resist blockers - wuwu for pulling unsnared!

On Monday evening, ES held a guild only fishing tournament after being denied entrance to a GM run fishing event (Kaput, the only ES member who got in, actually won the GM event - score!). In the spirit of the holiday season, Nizzi Claus handed out prizes to each guild member who fished up the most rubbish. Congratulations to Ryanna on 100k pp for the most fish, Lessw on a Mana Robe for the most rusty daggers, Theoso on an Amulet of Necropotence for the most waterlogged sandals, and Tinolyen on a free guild AAAA with his next Last Blood purchase for the most fish scales! 1k pp was distributed to all persons who entered, and a good time was had by all who wished to attend.

And to those of you out there who may have been considering joining ES, now is the time! We have opened up our recruitment and are looking for some more dedicated raiders to add to our family. If you think you can handle hanging out with a cat who keeps losing his nipples, a Hungarian who h8?s everybody, and a guild leader who may or may not be sane - all while maintaining a steady focus on getting things done - this could be the guild for you. Please send Sunnie or Rohgziel, our lovely recruitment officers, a tell in-game, or check out our message boards for more information!

Merry Meatballs to all, and to all, a good night!!