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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:11 pm
by Kyreth
Since disposing of Gnarlibramble (again and again and again), we have also taken out Porthio and his trusty sidekick, Nightshade. Unfortunately I was not there to witness our success, as I took the night off to watch a sad movie by myself. It seems I should slack more often, as it increases the likelihood that we will win. Congratulations to Aaeadiel and Wardogg who are the lucky new owners of the double drop Porthio's Belt of Shadows! Insert random picture of not ES not killing Porthio here:

<div align="center"><img src=" ... gkitty.gif" alt=""></div>

And now, back to playing around with Daosheen, Anastasia the Thought Drinker, Valik the Cruel, and several other interesting encounters - and whatever else the forthcoming hours of patches may bring!