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Adventures in the Lodge of the Fang

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:14 pm
by Kyreth
This past Saturday, Eternal Sovereign took our first step onto the twisted path of Depths of Darkhollow progression. Our mission was to destroy the Matriarch Shyra, and for this, we enlisted the help of an old friend. And I mean old.

Pythagoras was born around 569 BC in Samos, Ionia, and is often described as the first pure mathematician. A little known fact about this mystery philosopher, is that aside from being credited for several mathematical theorems, he is also well versed in werewolf lore, and enjoys spelunking. After much study he presented to us the following diagram; where a="a protector of Shyra", b="an enforcer of Shyra", and c="Matriarch Shyra" herself.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... agoras.gif" alt=""></div>

Armed with this knowledge, and a right triangle, we followed an unerring path to victory, smiting down the mother werewolf with our mighty geometry. Her death earned 54 lucky ES members their first Temptation of Blood AA - congratulations on beginning your transformation into immoral vampires!

And then there was some much nicer stuff to make up for it - a Reinforced Helmet of Cold Shadows each for Wardogg and Eggborn, and a Bazu Stone for Spykke - with which he created ES's very first DoD augment, the Bazu Seal of Favorable Continuance! Great job all - and thanks bunches Pythagoras!

Jelvan's tormentors will die very soon.. until then, remember kids, there is no diving in the pool of math!