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Ture, Tunat, Keldovan, and Hanvar, oh my!

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:04 am
by Kyreth
Last week, ES entered the Citadel of Anguish for the first time. Since then, we have aquired a plethora of spiffy augments and defeated some big mean monsters.

The first to fall victim to our blades was the giant chimera, Ture. In fact, he was so much fun, we went back and killed him again! Who doesn't love a guy who puts his best face forward.

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In addition to the lovely view, our fights with Ture blessed us with Hanvar's Hoop for Yroc, Necklace of Stability for Aaeadiel and Daggercold, Warspear of Vexation for Wardogg, the quest piece for Dawnseeker's Coif of the Defender for Spartax, the quest piece for Bladewhisper Chain Wristband of Journeys for Leafblight, and Ancient Muramite Runes for Audreya, Noircogi, Rikii, and Emptysoul. Hooray!

In our wanderings through the Citadel, we also came upon a guy named Keldovan who seemed to be in the habit of harrying people. We tried to explain to him that nobody likes a bully, but discussion proved futile, so we killed him instead. Turns out he was carrying some nice items with him - congratulations Nizzi on his Stud of Chilling Precision, Laleldil on his Mask of the Crackling Energy, Theoso on his quest piece for Faithbringer's Wristband of Conviction, and Jaharyss and Audreya on their Ancient Muramite runes (yes, Audy got a new nuke!).

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Warden Hanvar was hanging out in his beam of light when we found him. Apparently he didn't know that spending too much time tanning can lead to advanced signs of aging and wrinkles. We beat the vanity out of him for good measure.. and despite mass pain and death, our first ever battle with Hanvar ended in victory. We were rewarded for our efforts with Ring of the Beast for Aaeadiel, Morguecaller for Bogagar, the quest item for Gladiator's Plate Helm of War for Yroc, and Ancient Muramite Runes for Ailerdar and Nizzi. In addition to the loot off of Hanvar, we also got our first ever Epic 2.0 orb! So big congratulations to Emptysoul on his shiny new Deathwhisper!!

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The highlight of the week for many of us however, was not found in the echoing halls of Anguish, or at the bottom of a jar of pickles, but within the confines of Tacvi. For upon clearing out all of his minions, we finally attempted and defeated Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax. After a hasty and fun late night learning session (who knew that if you let the Clerics melee Tunat down to 90% as the raid is leaving, you kill everyone left in zone?!), we returned the next day and took him out flawlessly - with only 3 Anguish loots between the lot of us! Congratulations to Timorel on his Dark Tunic of the Enslavers, Daggercold on his Blade Warstone, Thipsycho on his Lightning Prism of Swordplay, and Feallun on his Greaves of the Dark Ritualist!!

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Way to go everybody on some really awesome work! I'm proud of each and every one of you, and hope you feel the same. We have all come so far. *cough* now, enough of the sappyness, it's time for a cheese and cucumber sandwich!! Yay!