GINA Basics

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Post by Cantus »

Deleting Triggers and Groups

Right-click on a trigger or group. A context menu will pop up that looks like this:

<img src=" ... agXsxdM6W-">

Select "Delete". You will be asked to confirm that you really want to delete this trigger or group:

<img src=" ... TwGow3O2rs">

Click "Yes" to confirm. That's it! You successfully deleted the selected trigger or group.

Why would I want to Delete?

When new triggers are shared, it will add any new triggers/groups that you didn't have previously, and will overwrite (update) any triggers you have with the same name.

But it will NOT delete any triggers or groups you have that are not in the updated pack that's shared with you. It also won't re-name triggers.

So if there were bad or outdated triggers in your old pack, they will still be there when you receive an updated pack. Or if old triggers were re-named, you'll keep your old trigger as well as receiving the new one - potentially hearing multiple messages when that emote fires.

Currently, the best way to deal with this is to simply delete your old trigger group and have the updated one shared with you. This will ensure that you have the latest trigger group without unwanted remnants of old trigger packs hanging around.

Most commonly, when there are major updates to the main (required) Eternal Sovereign root-level trigger group, everyone on a raid will be asked to delete their old Eternal Sovereign group before the updated group is shared out.

There is also a bug (covered in the Troubleshooting post) where you may hear two or more trigger messages for every event. One of the ways to resolve this is to Delete your old trigger pack and ask for it to be re-shared with you.

Keep in mind that you can un-check (disable) old triggers that you may not want/need again. So it there's a chance you may want them again in the future, it's probably best to disable triggers rather than deleting them outright.

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Post by Cantus »


This is a partial list, and will be expanded in the future. Please check back for additional troubleshooting tips!

I Hear Multiple Triggers!

If you hear triggers two or more times, you're not alone. This is a very common bug.

First, make sure the text that fired the trigger wasn't issued more than once. For example, Rapitiss typically gives the "Wiping" message in raid chat multiple times. If he said "Wiping" five times and you hear "Wiping" five times from GINA, there isn't a problem.

It doesn't always work, but it's worth trying to close and re-open the GINA program. It also sometimes works to click on your character's name in GINA and then un-check and re-check the "Eternal Sovereign" group (or whatever group or subgroup contains the trigger that's repeating).

If none of the steps above work, the surefire way to resolve the issue is to Delete the trigger group that contains the trigger that's firing multiple times and ask for it to be re-shared with you. Be sure to re-check the triggers you want after it's re-shared.

Some Triggers Don't Work

If certain triggers work but other triggers don't seem to fire, check the Chat tab in the Options window (Alt+O by default). Make sure that all relevant chat types are set to "Show".

If something is set to "Hide", I don't think any chat of that type goes to the log file. If it doesn't go to the log file, GINA won't see it and can't fire triggers.

I personally have all chat types set to "Show" except for "Heals (You)" and "Heal Over Time", which are set to "Nonzero Only".

I'm Not Hearing/Seeing Anything

If you don't hear triggers at all, do the following:

• Try closing and re-running the GINA program.

• Issue a /log on command in-game for the character to ensure you're outputting EQ text to a logfile (that GINA watches).

• Make sure you've added that character to GINA.

• Make sure GINA is running for that character. When everything is good, you should see a green bar with the character's name that looks something like this:
<img src=" ... qcp1FkFmf1">

If it looks like this, it means you turned off GINA for that character. Click on the green "play" button to the left of the character's name to re-enable:
<img src=" ... bPQGfLshMw">

If the character bar is green but it has a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark, it means that the character is enabled but GINA hasn't seen any additions to that character's logfile since the GINA program was run. Maybe EQ isn't running for that character? Maybe that character doesn't have /log on?
<img src=" ... THGdPtLp8S">

Trigger Lag - I Don't See/Hear Triggers until Seconds Later

If there is delay (lag) between a line of chat appearing (like an emote on a raid) and you seeing/hearing the GINA trigger, there are several things you can do:

1) Issue a /loginterval 0 command in-game. This makes sure that EverQuest writes any lines of chat directly to the log file with no delay, so that time-sensitive GINA triggers fire right away. Thank you, Phaolin, for this tip!

2) Un-check or Delete any old GINA triggers you may have, as a large number of triggers (and/or poorly written triggers) can cause a lot of GINA lag.

3) Make sure your log file isn't too huge. Refer to the post on having GINA automatically archive your logfiles so that your active logfile never gets too big but so that you always keep your old logfiles if you ever want to refer back to them.

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Post by Cantus »

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