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Post by Memzin »

Crimmy !! *BIG smile* So good of you to put in an appearance here and bring us all up to date :) Many best wishes for good times in your marriage ...

<a>~Cazteal's Magelo~</a> .........................<a> ~Memzin's Magelo~</a>1337732<a>
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Post by Patrisha »

Hi Crimmy hun,

Glad you finally found a bit of time to drop in and say hi..Best wishes to you both, Hope all is going well for you.

Sure do miss you and please try to get online for a bit to say hi..

Big hugs hun..
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Post by Voxie »

OMG you got married Crim? I am so happy for you! I sure miss you, you naughty little halfling.

Does this mean you wont be asking me "what color today?" if we get to chat again sometime? :lol:

I hope I get to chat with you again sometime soon. After you and your honey dig out a new igloo together, or whatever happens up there in Canada, please say hi to Rod for me if you two are still in touch.

Wishing you the best!
"Sugar and spice...more naughty, then nice!"
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Post by Crimsonwolf »

OMG VOXIE!! Talk about weird, just yesterday Kiridin/Tanglebones was asking me if I ever see you around:) I think he lost your email address:)

I've been trying to log in but had a BDay yesterday and the wife was nice enough to get me some sandpaper and paint to refinish a room downstairs hehe :) Man at this rate I might not be fat forever!!! Just kidding. Well atleast the mesh speedos look good on me...

Oh just curious, did any of the druid crew give in and start healing Belq again ?
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Post by Lorai »

Oh just curious, did any of the druid crew give in and start healing Belq again ?

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Post by Klarissa »

Crimmy, dahlin, N E V A H ... if you recall, Belquillon is etched in stone on the "NO HEAL" list. Kinda sad ... he doesn't even whine about it so much anymore. Apparently he has finally realized it is fruitless (or he thinks the ranjah heals are working good enough?). I think some of our melee types have been using bandaids on the old wizard as well. It's all good, though ... he keeps the cleric epics from getting rusty. :lol:

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Post by Tudana »


/hugs segzy drood
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Post by tanglebones00 »

Wow Foxie Voxie! Glad to hear you're still alive :) Hope all is well out in the stix! Take care of yourself hun :)

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