Help! Gina is lagging!

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Help! Gina is lagging!

Post by Rapitiss »

HELP: Gina works fine during tests, but LAGS horribly when we are raiding....

You need to :
- Reduce the number of triggers you enabled in GINA.
- Reduce the amount of spam going to your log file.


Each line of text your EQ client receives gets written to your computers ( Hard Drive or SSD )
Each line of text is then read by GINA which compares it to EVERY trigger you have enabled.

During a full burn you might generate 5-10 lines of text per second. Multiple that by all 50 other people, their pets, the splash heals, etc. and its 100's of lines.

Now take those hundreds of lines of text and compare them against EVERY raid trigger, class trigger, general trigger, etc and you are asking your computer to process millions of calculations.


How to reduce the number of triggers you enabled in GINA.

Detailed write here:


Only select the triggers you NEED.


Reduce the amount of spam going to your log file.

Press Alt + O to get to the options, then select the CHAT tab. Select each type of text and toggle between Show, Mine, or Hide

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