Wow... the lights are still on here

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Wow... the lights are still on here

Post by Danenel »

Hi folks,

I was a member of ES a very very long time ago when it was still a Tholuxe Paells server.. IIRC, I stopped playing EQ right after we cleared Plane of Time, killing Quarm. It was a heck of a build up to get to that point. I remember all the Vex Thal key farming too... endless farming. Satisfying when we took down the Emperor. I remember the first clearing of The Temple of Veeshan. That one was a riot.

Anywho I installed EQ and fired it up on the free server... just for kicks. Man I cant remember how all the spells and whatnot even work anymore. I farted around in the newbie area for a few levels then logged out.

I have no idea where Danenel was finally parked. I was going to put him in the eye of the dragon skeleton in Ice Clad for the last time but IDK where he ended up... lol

Anywho, glad to see ole ES is still alive, it was a special guild, and I had some great friends in it.

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Post by Chitiwok »

You should be able to log in without paying and get to the Bertoxxulous server - that's where TP eventually merged into, so your characters should be there.
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Post by kaput »

long time come back
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Post by Danenel »

LOL... I have no idea what my login was.

Nah its ok... like I said, i couldn't really figure out how spell casting worked... I think I got a few memorized. Its amazing EQ was that popular in its day with such a crummy UI system.

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Post by Danenel »

So, bored... I went to their website and did the lost user name thing. Got my old user name... password I tried did login to the website, but it immediately says I need to reset my password. I try that and it fails and says to contact support.

You cant email support without being logged in... so its a endless loop. Maybe its a good thing, lol.... Dan had like 380+ days played. o.O

PS: Hey Kaput! Definitely remember you :)

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Post by Rapitiss »

Danenel wrote:So, bored... I went to their website and did the lost user name thing. Got my old user name... password I tried did login to the website, but it immediately says I need to reset my password. I try that and it fails and says to contact support.

You cant email support without being logged in... so its a endless loop. Maybe its a good thing, lol.... Dan had like 380+ days played. o.O

PS: Hey Kaput! Definitely remember you :)

Create a new account. Use that to contact support.
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Post by Danenel »

Rapitiss wrote:Create a new account. Use that to contact support.
Yea, when I did the original user account finder thing, it had 3 results. I've successfully logged into the 2nd one, IIRC I had an alt on a different server to play when TP was down (which if you know our server history happened from time to time when the GMs got pissed off enough at the players... rofl. Todate, its the only server I know of that actually killed a GM).

Anywho... the big issue with this is I wasnt the one that actually created the account. I was working as a software engineer at a video game company and we were planning on making a MMORPG, so the company bought copies of different MMOs for "research". One guy installed Everquest and played it for a few levels but it wasnt his thing. We swapped (I was trying Meridian 59) and I took over the game. I loved it... so much so I kept playing for years. I updated what account info I could to my own (email address etc etc), but root stuff like "birthday" is unknown to me.

So... I did get a response back from their support people... unfortunately asking for the birthday, which I gave and is associated to my other accounts. But... it is my email, and I do have the initial password... so that should account for alot on a 15+ year old dead account. Its the stupid "you need to reset your password" part thats failing.

I'm now curious if they can give me access back or not. But no big deal... the game has changed so much, and I cant even imagine the XP level it would take to catch up. IIRC Dan was L65.

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Post by Danenel »

Aww... was rooting around on a webserver I own, found a eq folder... some good memories in there








LOLZ... good times, great guild, great friends.

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Post by Thalsadoom »

Hi Dan. Good to hear from you, and it's never too late to make a come back :)
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Post by Gibsalot »

as far as XP to catch up dont worry about that , and the game mechanics have changed a bit mostly added features but you will learn them in short time if you deside to play agin..... with some twink gear i can solo from creation to level 60+ in around 12 hours play time thats just straight up solo grinding with a PL its much much faster there are also heroic boost toons insta level 85 + bags , 15k plat , and a full set of level 85 heroic gear. the guild is still going strong and still raiding current content alot of people have come and gone but there is a solid bet there are more than a few people you will recognise from your time in ES . myself i have only recently joined 2 years ago but many here for 10 + years a few around the 20 year mark.
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Post by Danenel »

kaput wrote:long time come back
Thalsadoom wrote:Hi Dan. Good to hear from you, and it's never too late to make a come back :)
Hi to both of you! Yes its been a really long time. Has Gorag, Belquillion, Emptysoul, Tudana etc and the like from the old days ever stop by? I ran into Belq and Patricia once in the early days of WoW and had a fun chat. Nothing since.

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