Gina layout

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Gina layout

Post by Rapitiss »

Here is the general outline of the trigger packages Cantus setup for us. I'm going to modify them slightly while adding triggers.

ES - Class
ES - Raid
ES - Optional


ES - Class

This top level group has all the class specific triggers for casting as well as buffs provided by the class. It is broken down into:

1 - Class groups such has *casters* , *healers* , or *mezzers*
2 - Class specific triggers for casting alliance, mana burn, epics, etc.
3 - Class buffs that land on others such has bard epic, IoG, druid wolf


ES - Raid

This top level group is what Cantus labeled "Eternal Sovereign". I'm shortening it down and moving some of the triggers here into the optional area. Goal is to make this section just the raid specific stuff that changes often.


ES - Optional

This top level group is going to be the catch all for anything that didn't fit in the first two spots


All triggers are UNCHECKED by default. This means when you get the trigger package you MUST go through an enable the triggers specific for your needs.
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