Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal

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Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal

Post by Rapitiss »

I looked this stuff up for Gaie but thought others might like it. Sadly the formatting is lost.

of the Advisor --> Salutary Radiation Mechanoinstructions --> Beneficial Mana Pres 22%
of the Arcanist --> Thaumaturgic Mechanoinstructions --> Magic Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Spite of Edoth II'
of the Archer --> Exactitudinal Mechanoinstructions --> Sharpshooting IX
of the Assassin --> Hyoscyamine Mechanoinstructions --> Poison Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Krait's Kiss I
of the Berserker --> Sanguinary Mechanoinstructions --> Ferocity XII
of the Champion --> Deleterious Radiation Mechanoinstructions --> Detrimental Mana Pres 22 L100 aliased as 'Scrupulous Havoc Sustention'
of the Chancellor --> Salutary Continuance Mechanoinstructions --> Beneficial Duration 35 L100 aliased as 'Protan's Euphony
of the Cryomancer --> Cryonic Mechanoinstructions --> Cold Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Galrok's Approach II'
of the Cutpurse --> Meliorated Circumlocuting Mechanoinstructions --> Improved Dodge VII
of the Duelist --> Meliorated Circumventating Mechanoinstructions --> Improved Parry / Block VII
of the Foot Soldier --> Rampageous Lambasting Mechanoinstructions --> Improved Parry / Block VII
of the Healer --> Exigent Remediatory Mechanoinstructions --> Heal 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Blooming of the Bosque II'
of the Magus --> Imprecise Incantific Mechanoinstructions --> All DD Damage 10-70 L100 aliased as 'Fearlinked Magus Destruction
of the Mariner --> Imprecise Accelerative Mechanoinstructions --> Spell Casting Haste 23 lvl100 aliased as 'Fearlinked Mariner's Alacrity
of the Master --> Imprecise Radiation Mechanoinstructions --> Spell Mana Reduction 20 lvl100 aliased as 'Fearlinked Master's
of the Oracle --> Imprecise Fluctuator Mechanoinstructions --> Spell Range 25 lvl100 aliased as 'Fearlinked Oracle's Reach
of the Plague Bringer --> Mucocutaneous Mechanoinstructions --> Disease Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Grelleth's Emanation II
of the Pyromancer --> Igneous Mechanoinstructions --> Fire Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Ralstok's Touch II
of the Seafarer --> Salutary Accelerative Mechanoinstructions --> Beneficial Haste 30 L100 aliased as 'Sviir's Deftness'
of the Stargazer --> Radiant Mechanoinstructions --> Chromatic Damage 40-100 L100 aliased as 'Nacreous Strike II
of the Traveler --> Deleterious Accelerative Mechanoinstructions --> Detrimental Haste 23 L100 aliased as 'Projected Wrath'
of the Warchief --> Disuniting Mechanoinstructions --> Cleave IX - 32
of the Warmonger --> Deleterious Continuance Mechanoinstructions --> Detrimental Duration 35 L100 aliased as 'Zalikor's Entwining'
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Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:45 pm
Location: Taos, NM

Post by Zargut »

Tablets for Mechanoinstructions

Melee focus
Disuniting Mechanotablet - Cleave
Exactitudinal Mechanotablet - Sharp Shooting
Meliorated Circumlocuting Mechanotablet - Improved Dodge
Meliorated Circumventating Mechanotablet - Improved Parry
Rampageous Lambasting Mechanotablet - Furious Bash
Sanguinary Mechanotablet - Ferocity

Coadjutor Mechanotablet - Pet focus
Cryonic Mechanotablet - Cold Focus
Exigent Remediatory Mechanotablet - Heal focus
Hyoscyamine Mechanotablet - Poison focus
Igneous Mechanotablet - Fire focus
Mucocutaneous Mechanotablet - Disease focus
Thaumaturgic Mechanotablet - Magic focus

Detrimental effects
Deleterious Accelerative Mechanotablet - Detrimental Spell haste
Deleterious Continuance Mechanotablet - Detrimental Spell duration
Deleterious Radiation Mechanotablet - Detrimental Mana preservation

General effects
Imprecise Accelerative Mechanotablet - General Spell haste
Imprecise Fluctuator Mechanotablet - General spell range
Imprecise Incantific Mechanotablet - General Nuke focus
Imprecise Radiation Mechanotablet - General Mana preservation

Beneficial effects
Salutary Accelerative Mechanotablet - Beneficial Spell haste
Salutary Continuance Mechanotablet - Beneficial Spell duration
Salutary Radiation Mechanotablet - Beneficial Mana preservation
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