starting to understand my pally again

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starting to understand my pally again

Post by straman »

i have gotten better at playing my class. i been hanging out in field of scale and oceangreen hills aa grinding. i have gotten to where i can molo a yellow con and can alternate stun and heal when my clericc merc runs oom. between the secondhand gear and loot rot i get on the few guild groups i get into, my stats have improved alot. in 3 weeks, i managed over 400 aa. not bad when my time on eq is limited.

this weekend, i will be shutdown in houston, tx. atm, i am questing for the ikky mask in field of scale and have managed to solo alot of it. i have a cuple questions about SoD. i have the drops for the leg armor but my research says i have to do two 'themes' in order to buy the item i need from zeb. what is the 'themes'? is that a raid thing i need to get flagged for?

also, i will be starting my epic 2.0 and will need help eventually. i realize there are better weps in VoA but i was the 4th pally on tholuxe paells to get his epic 1, i really want the epic 2.0.

i look forward to raiding again but it will be awhile, i want more aa before i continue to lvl to 90+ i feel then and only then will i be a real asset on raids instead of the liability im proving to be on regular groups in VoA.

the gear i can get for right now from SoD, would help me get my aa faster and if it is a raid event that i need for that, then i want to go out on a limb and ask if the guild would be willing to help?

i was an officer in the gaurdians of valour and would be apprehensive about dedicating guild resources for such a low lvl and unnecessary event, so i totally understand if the guild would not waste time with such an event. it will be awhile before i get to that part anyway.

im hoping one day to be able to pick up the reigns of SA once again and look forward to that. i was a good SA a long time ago.

im currently lvl 81 and if anyone sees me online and wants to grind an 80ish alt, send me a tell.
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Post by Zargut »

the themes are the voids like void a, void b and so on. I believe you complete a series o0f quests in each area to advance, or, I think nowadays you can just do the one quest in the bert temple for void d? and get also then the j5 merc. via this task: ... quest=4670

raspers is great for the armor stuff:

2.0's are pretty easy now. Just need a couple well geared folks.

a good sod aug is/was for shield

going to be getting back in to game here so will look you up I have a 81 sk we could group with.

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Post by Eatmice23 »

Im willing to help with whatever. (all you need to do is the rathe theme) which is below.
Also i can run anguish whenever i can.

Rathe Theme Progression
The invasion of Rathe by the forces of Rallos was meant to fail, but the discordians have been trying to aid the war god's plans. After all, what is more chaotic than a war that encompasses everything? So it is up to us to level the playing field and halt the Rallosian's progress. To do this we start with aiding the prisoners. Talk with Sterik Gristmaker and complete his task Retinue of the Frog-God. Next chat with Nedsin Tabbels and do 3 tasks in his arc:

Find Your Allies
Whom Frogs Destroy
The Wrath of Korascian

With these complete Ylatra the Vassal will speak with you and give two tasks that take you into the Rallosian force up near the Rathe Council Chamber:

Disrupt the Siege
Champions No More

The entire arc ends with a group mission from Ylatra, Murdunk's Last Stand, where you set an ambush and kill off 35 reinforcements (bring dps!). With the reinforcements cut off, the balance swings back to the denizens of Rathe and the timeline is restored completing the theme
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