Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Post by Isuldor »

Still a year from release, here's a new video on combat:

<embed src="" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392">
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Post by Alsmack »

Sounds pretty ambitious. I was never a huge star wars fan, I liked the original Jedi Knight FPS game, but this looks like something I'd try out. Maybe it will exceed where star wars galaxies did not. IE. the whole thing.
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e3 trailer

Post by Isuldor »

<embed src=" ... terior.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="330" flashvars="title=undefined&description=undefined&source= ... er|Windows Media Video (.wmv),thumb|null,filesize|253M,resolution|1280x720,url| ... |Quicktime (.mov),thumb|null,filesize|301M,resolution|1280x720,url| ... age_gate=0">
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Post by Muga »

I see its combat being almost as hookie as Star Trek ive watches some the behind the scene videos combat on the like whopping 1 planet they have finished so far, and it just really bothers me somehow, I dont know why they cant make one seems good , I mean honestly I think that SWG had something they just needed nother good year or more before releasing all these companies now adays are launching mmos at like 60% ready or something and acting like we should pay to play there beta work in the chance they might actually finish it or fix it later mentality ,, Honestly I miss old UO and EQ =P , find it sad the depth of these newer mmos is so shortsided , I mean name nother mmo since EQ where the Vendors have dynamic stock ?!?!?! , or equpiment is actually earned scrounging your ass off I mean i rember farming like complete suit of bronze armour for my Warrior hahaha =P and buddy giving me a set of gnome skin leather armour (shudders looking back that ! ) ,
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Post by Dmonger »

Now a days folks want insta gratification sadly, and MMos are doing their best a make em happy. Have been testing it for short period, so far looks better then how wow ist came out. Laveling gets close to original EQ after hitting LvL 30 and thankfully no wheer as close to wow ( which has made few folsk rather unhappy as it may take extra day or two for them to reach max lvl. ) Lore is very interesting if you can get over minor odd things about the companions. Let see how it holds out aginst baby sitter game like wow.
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