Cop Punches Woman in the Face

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Cop Punches Woman in the Face

Post by Opus » ... caught.php

I don't know what to think about this..I mean he is a police officer and those two women were resisting arrest VERY obviously. She did shove him and repeatedly grab at him and all that jazz. But then again she is a woman (I think)..does anyone else have an opinion? But atm I am on the cops side. Don't fuck with cops trying to do their job, they will hurt you.
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Post by Ubdaien »

Gender or race doesn't afford you any special consideration when interacting with the police except when it comes to searches.
Otherwise you touch them and you can go to jail, that's all.
Hand fighting is something they are trained to do. It's just a matter of wether or not his dept. decides he chose the right time to use it. It's debatable. Would have been worse if he had whipped out a tazer.

Our cops out here are worse... they have been known to punch first.
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Post by Anatole »

By looking at the SPD Use of Force Continuum, it looks like he was justified. Looking at the chart, it could be argued that the violators were at the agressive level rather than the egressive level when the second lady jumped in, which would allow level two defensive tactics; strikes such as knees, kicks, elbows, impact weapons, chemical agents, taser. Remember its all based on the officer's perception of the violator's actions.

He didn't jump from level one defensive tactics (pain compliance through distractions, counter-joint tactics, hair hold control tactics, OC spray) until the 2nd young lady joined in. Gender is not differentiated in the use of force guidelines, but lets be honest, if it was a man, i would be willing to bet that this level of defensive tactics would have been employed a lot sooner.

I have a lot of friends who are cops, and they always tell me that right or wrong, on the scene the cop is right and his/her word is law. They are accountable and can and will be held so, at a later time. Their duty is to respond immediately. ... tinuum.PDF

I don't believe that a man should strike a woman, it's in my upbringing. But in his capacity as an officer of the law, i have absolutely no problem with him striking the woman. He saw someone else joining the fray and he responded, he did not initiate.
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Post by genomin »

hahahahahahahahaha, IN THE FACE!
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Post by kaput »

should have shot them
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Post by Ylyrra »

Speaking from a female perspective, I have no sympathy for either female. The officer was trying to do his job and they start harassing him and resisting him. To be honest, I don't think you could pay me enough to be a cop. They take all the crap and rarely receive acclaim from citizens, only their peers. Our media and society have perpetuated the belief that you can abuse members of our police forces, military, etc. and if you claim to be the injured party (true or not), they are automatically under investigation instead of the other way around.

Listening to the one guy saying over and over, "Are you serious?" annoyed the snot out of me. Would have liked to have seen him arrested for sheer, unadulterated stupidity. At any time, he could have body slammed her to the ground and cuffed her instead of continually wrestling with her to avoid, as much as possible, causing her harm.

I'm not saying all members of our militia (whether police or military) are all above reproach, but the vast majority are doing a thankless job and receive no recognition or reward except for people to treat them the way this mob treated this officer.
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Post by beornj »

The unfortunate thing is that these 2 women will probably sue the city and win and the officer in question will get leave w/o pay.
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Post by Nathanar »

He wasn't very adept at taking them down.
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

Ok I see a lot of things in this video. First off when someone is getting violent the police officer has all rights to defend himself. The woman he punched was the 2nd women in who attacked him when he was in conflict with the first woman and he does not know the scope of the intended hostility the either women are taking so he acted accordingly.

He was wrestling for arm control with the first woman (I'm assuming to restrain for arrest) and once there is a 2nd person invovled he has to settle the matter quickly because for all he knows one of them (or one of the other bystanders) could reach for his weapon on his belt in the scuffle and then he's screwed. I'm surprised he didn't have a partner with him though.

To Ub's point, Personally I think tazering would have been the best avenue of approach. Just last month when the officer tazed a fan running around in a baseball field it there was a quick headline about it in the shock factor, but then all the talkshows (including sport talk shows) all went to the officers defense. If you don't want to be tazed, don't be an idiot. (There have been incidences, especially in tennis where fans went down and actually harmed the athletes).
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Post by Ubdaien »

Twinkeltoes wrote:To Ub's point, Personally I think tazering would have been the best avenue of approach. Just last month when the officer tazed a fan running around in a baseball field it there was a quick headline about it in the shock factor, but then all the talkshows (including sport talk shows) all went to the officers defense. If you don't want to be tazed, don't be an idiot. (There have been incidences, especially in tennis where fans went down and actually harmed the athletes).
They would probably try to make the tazer look worse than a punch in court.
Woulda been funny as fuck tho.

Some one posted this a while ago.

<embed width="640" height="360" src=" ... om:2672383" quality="high" bgcolor="000000" name="efp" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="autoPlay=false" allowfullscreen="true"> </embed>
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Post by Ulawun »

Women have rights?
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Post by Opus »

Ulawun wrote:Women have rights?
the right to make my dinner!

and yeah I remember that video..I am on the officers side ya know? Stupid people get stupid things done to them until they stop being stupid.
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Post by fazin »

tazer is electricity. He would not have been able to pull a tazer and risk shocking himself in such close proximity. He was forced to use his hands as self defense.
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Post by Twinkeltoes »

Ubdaien wrote:
Twinkeltoes wrote:To Ub's point, Personally I think tazering would have been the best avenue of approach. Just last month when the officer tazed a fan running around in a baseball field it there was a quick headline about it in the shock factor, but then all the talkshows (including sport talk shows) all went to the officers defense. If you don't want to be tazed, don't be an idiot. (There have been incidences, especially in tennis where fans went down and actually harmed the athletes).
They would probably try to make the tazer look worse than a punch in court.
Woulda been funny as fuck tho.

Some one posted this a while ago.

<embed width="640" height="360" src=" ... om:2672383" quality="high" bgcolor="000000" name="efp" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="autoPlay=false" allowfullscreen="true"> </embed>

I've seen this video before and i'm torn on it personally. I think it might have been excess force however he did warn her 3 times before tazing in a cool calm clear manner so she should should ahve just gotten out.
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Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

What is nuts to me is the advertisements before the video. Although maybe not perfect for a public image, I don't really want a cop to take the time to worry about his or her public image when they are worrying about their main job. Being a teacher I can't always get the best results from children if I worry about what they think of me every second of my job. I do my best to teach them why I make decisions that they don't always like at the times it influences them, but people aren't always gonna be happy every moment. As traumatic as the result was for her she still needed to get off her damn phone. This wasn't a child they were dealing with; she should know better.
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