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Post by Kelzarian »

Hi, anyone seen Sunnie around lately? I used to play EQ with her way way back, just wanted to say hi. I was in The Fear Within on Tholuxe.

So how's EQ1 going? I guess theres still a lot of die hards out there huh, what with 50 expansions :)
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Post by fazin »

She's still with us. I'm sure she'll pop in and say hi later this afternoon or evening.
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Post by Sunnie »

*looks around*

It's been a very long time Kelz, I hope things are well with you. Are you still gaming? Believe it or not there are still quite a few of us who still play, the changes in the game with the last few expansions have been pretty cool. They finally got to where they only release one expansion a year.

It's nice to hear from ya, you should load up EQ sometime just to see how much things have changed. Take care. :)
<a href="http://eq.magelo.com/profile/475375" target="_blank"><img src="http://eq.sig.magelo.com/475375.png" border="0"></a>
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Post by Kelzarian »

Hey! It has been a long time. Things are doing well. Been playing mostly DDO (free) lately as far as MMO's go. I sent you an add in MSN a while ago, do you still use that? Maybe we can chat some time.

I may try EQ again, its probably the only thing my computer will still run ;) I hear Bertoxx is where everyone from Tholuxe ended up eh?

Good to talk to you!
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