Audio Triggers.

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Audio Triggers.

Post by Uluweenbert »

As asked by Nizzi, here is what I have. I have gone thru alla and other forums, Its missing some SoD fights that maybe someone can help finish. I also have custom audio files but no where to host them so shoot me a message on here or in game and Ill zip them up and email them.

To install them open up options in game and set up a Audio trigger hotkey. Open up the window and Write in the Trigger, pick sound then click Create. Once you have them all made you must click apply to them to have them work.

again if you want the custom audio files let me know..its a hot chick yelling at ya =D

Audio files go into sony/everquest/Audio triggers/shared

Im thinking the ini files go into userdata and that might cut down the work, if anyone wants to try again shoot me a message.

# Toskirakk: Tallon/Vallon
pattern=Tallon Zek appears to be taking aim at this area
sound=sounds/You should run away.wav

# Toskirakk: Xadrith the Voice
pattern=From the corner of your eye, you notice a Kyv taking aim near your position\\. He appears to be leading the target, anticipating your next movement\\. You should stand still\\.
sound=sounds/You should stand still.wav

pattern=From the corner of your eye, you notice a Kyv taking aim at your head\\. You should duck\\.
sound=sounds/You should duck.wav

pattern=From the corner of your eye, you notice a Kyv taking aim at your position\\. You should move\\.
sound=sounds/You should run away.wav

# FOS: Council
pattern=You are vulnerable to (fire|disease|magic|poison)\\.
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav

# Mindshear
#pattern=You get the feeling that someone is watching you
#sound=sounds/You should move out of the room.wav

# Brekt
pattern=You are corrupted by discordant energy
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav
pattern=Lord Brekt prepares to unleash his fury on the mortals at his feet\\.
sound=sounds/Back off now.wav

# Tower
pattern=Static starts to gather around the lightning towerguard\\.
sound=sounds/You should run away.wav

# I.R.A.
pattern=Your armor is weaker\\.
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav

# SOF: Breakneck

pattern=Breakneck hoists an arm back, preparing to lob a weighted mallet in your direction\\.
sound=sounds/You should duck.wav
pattern=Breakneck locks eyes with you
sound=sounds/You should run to the corner.wav

# SOF: Meldrath

pattern=location of target <CHARACTER_NAME>
sound=sounds/You should run away.wav
pattern=The .+ Support Unit turns to face you
sound=sounds/You should run to the corner.wav

# SOF: Zeixshi`Kar

pattern=You feel flames run up and down your body, burning you
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav
pattern=The moisture in the air around Zeixshi`Kar freezes and gathers around him, encasing him in jagged shards of ice\\.
sound=sounds/You should get out of range.wav

# SOF: Vyskudra

pattern=Your body is whipped by savage winds\\.
sound=sounds/You should run away.wav
pattern=Vyskudra extends her tail in preparation for an attack\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid his rear.wav
pattern=Vyskudra raises her head in preparation for an attack\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid his front.wav
pattern=An unstable charge courses through you
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav
pattern=A cone of jagged lightning assaults your body\\.
sound=sounds/You should cure yourself.wav

# SOF: Brood Mother

pattern=Brood Mother Visziaj raises her right claw, preparing to rake her enemies\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid the right side.wav
pattern=Brood Mother Visziaj raises her left claw, preparing to rake her enemies\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid the left side.wav
pattern=Brood Mother Visziaj rears back and inhales, preparing to unleash a cone of ice\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid his front.wav
pattern=Brood Mother Visziaj begins to lash her tail, preparing to attack the intruders behind her\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid his rear.wav

# SOF: Kerafyrm

pattern=All in the room stagger forward as Kerafyrm draws in a long breath and prepares to exhale\\.
sound=sounds/Avoid his front.wav
pattern=The mighty prismatic dragon prepares a terrible tail strike!
sound=sounds/Avoid his rear.wav
pattern=Kerafyrm the Awakened flaps his wings and a mighty wind fills the chamber!
sound=sounds/Avoid the sides.wav

Here are Warrens and Queen in Blackborrow fight


You see the queen glare at you, aiming her sickening ball of fluids at you.

You are infested by a devouring maggot.



There's also this for the warrens:

Trigger Crystalline Tyranont aims a head at YOURNAME a single spike apearing in its mouth.

15k DD coming to someone soon!


Trigger - Crystalline Tyranont yells, 'My minions, arise and remove the dwarves from our realm.'

Which singles a wave has spawned.

The only thing I havnt figured out is how to Send you my AT ini file and have it work in game. Medic and I tried figuring but we didnt get it to work..
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Post by Gimagukk »

I wrote an app a while back when they put in audio triggers to help package, distribute, and install sets of audio triggers between players. Of course, the question you have to ask yourself is, "Do I trust an ogre with a keyboard?" >)

The app can be found at if anyone wants to use it.
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Post by Deleek »

Nice, will take a look.
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