Sapades life on EQ, an interesting read

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Sapades life on EQ, an interesting read

Post by Sapade »

Hello ES,

I think only a few may remember me, but I ended my EQ chapter after 6 years of playing. from the beginning of 2002 to the end of 2007. I'd just like to share with you basically what Sapade went through.

In the beginning there was Sapade. My first and only character. I started off in Shar Vahl on April 14th 2002 on the Tholuxe Paells server with only a dagger and a shirt and didn’t know what to do. I only started everquest because I love furries and I could be one and it was a medieval game which I liked. I leveled up very slowly, kind of exploring Shar Vahl wondering what the heck to do. I ended up attacking a guard and I died, fairly easy, I was like “aww”. So I respawned near a bridge and I was like “Hey a bridge” I fell off! I died again. I ventured out to Shadeweavers thicket and started beating up beetles and little rockhoppers. It took me like a month to level to lvl 10. That’s when I met Stauks, a Vah Shir warrior with extra gear, he gave me a whole set of cloth armor and an axe which was like 16 dmg and some sort of 40ish delay. So I used that happily. Until shadeweaver thicket gotten too easy for the most part, I learned of a cave just off of hollowshade moor and fought there until lvl 17 at that point XP was very slow. I met a wizard, forgot his name he ported me to the old bazaar place, I was there for 3 weeks, and done nothing! I was too afraid to go out because nothing looked familiar and the very few people I knew were still on the moon. Every day I was on I searched for that wizards name until 3 weeks later he logged on. I sent him a IM right away and told him, "get me back to Shar Vahl, I don't know this area and I done nothing for the last 3 weeks". He ended up laughing and brought me to Shadowhaven, He said it was in my best interest, so he showed me to paludal caverns. Thats where I met Pugrrowll, a Vah Shir Beastlord whom I friended with very quickly. I thought he was pretty cute, the way he acted and all. One day when I was level 17, I searched all through Shadowhaven to see where everything was. I looked on a vendor and seen a sword, I was like WHOZ! 37 DMG! the delay was 70, but I had no clue about that at the time and it was only 569 platinum. This was early in the morning for me, and I wanted that sword so bad. I skipped school begging people for platinums until finally I gotten enough and I was the owner of a new Earthshaker! So I used that and I was happy. I met an Ogre warrior named Vladic, and he levelled extremely extremely fast. He had way too good of armor for a person my level. Chopping things down real quick. But I friended with him, and he taught me things.

I stayed in Paludal caverns for a long time, soloing my way up to lvl 33, and it was so slow. Finally someone came up to me and he was lower levelled than me telling me I shouldn't be here, I'm too high of a level. He recommended Dawnshroud Peaks. I fought there near Griegs End taking out those lil overdeveloped monkeys and centipedes, they blinded me, those pricks. I was still using my earthshaker, and things started to get bad. My cheap armor and Earthshaker didn't cut it anymore for XPing. I sent an IM to vladic who was already capped at lvl 60 asking what to do n' stuff, he said he had some stuff I can use and that I should get to the Nexxus to come get them. He gave them to me and a new 1 handed sword. I ventured over to back to DSP and found a new enterance I haven't been to yet, so I zoned over to maidens eye and seen some big big overgrown monkeys, Gorangas!. There was a pike of corpses on the ground and a bunch of necromancers in the zone, I looked on a corpse and look! a 1 handed blunt that was 12/23 so I looted it and ran off happily. I got sent a message like 30 seconds later by one of the necromancers and he was like "if it dropped any acrylia, I want it" so I told him I only took the blunt weapon and he was fine with it. Thats when I learned about ninja looting and that it was bad, so I never did it in the future. I met a wizard I think named Utilaelr or something like that. He invited me to my first guild the Righteous Renegades, and to my suprise Pugrrowll was in there and I was all overwhelmed with happiness and we started grouping again, we talked every day before then. I fought at the griegs end zone line until I was level 42, I kept dying and, one day I got a message that popped up on my screen, do I wish to be ressurected? I clicked no, I didn't know what it was. The cleric rezzed me again and this time I clicked yes and THATS when I learned of getting rezzed, I lost a TON of XP not getting rezzed. Around that time I met a absolutely gorgeous Iksar named Cabbail, my goodness! how could pixels be so good looking, Iksars were HOT!. We quickly friended and grouped together and 10 levels later he dissapeared and never showed again. Our friendship was a brief good one, he was kinda playful too, he didn't mind disturbing people with the way we acted. Through those levels that me and Cabbail grouped together, he brought me to the Dreadlands where we had fun grouping which a few races I never met yet. Fighting spider people, ugly ugly spider people and kept on trucking until about lvl 46. I’ve always had the feeling “Oh no, I think I messed this character up and wanted to start over” but I never did because I didn’t want to lose the name Sapade. So I started another warrior named Zargan and leveled him to 20 just to get a surname and named him Zargan Xiller. I checked on urban dictionary to see what Xiller meant because I seen the name in a book called Volle, turns out it means something extremely gay, and I was like “Totally” and kept the last name. I went to Karnors castle with cabbail and we went anonymous to try and get groups. We did, and it was tough! things were hitting me for nearly 125 and I was like OWW! I only had 2800 HP buffed around lvl 46 and I went in there anyway, no fear with cabbail and I stayed there until lvl 56. At lvl 51, I changed guilds and pugrrowll came along, Cabbail had dissapeared and we went to a guild called Raptorian Society where Vladic was. The guild leader, named Nuks, a human monk told us that we can’t raid until were level 55 for like an initiation to see how determined we were to get raiding. Well, it was back to Karnors castle where I kept killing 8 hours a day non stop, even if I had to try and solo one down, which was like a 50/50 chance of me surviving. A month later I was lvl 55 we were level 55 and started on our first raids in Kael Drakkel Arena, we weren’t strong enough yet to take on Derakor the Vindicator. So we farmed the parts it took to make the armor and killed things for faction. We were then told we needed to have our faction, so we killed and killed and killed many many giants until we had good enough faction to do our armor turn ins, by that time I had all the pieces to do all the armor parts. I remember killing Vindi for the first time with RS and it was amazing. Vladic was the only warrior that could tank it because he was just godly and was already geared to have 7K hp. I remember meeting another Vah Shir beastlord named Snowfangs, we friended pretty fast, because he was a kitty and gorgeous. It wasn’t long before then where pugrrowll suddenly disappeared and never logged on after that. Around the same time I was on a serverwide chat, and I met a lizard named Ssekle of the Torvonious server back in late 2003. We became friends, and well fell in love. We were like peanut butter and jelly, besides being on 2 separate servers.

I was nearly going to cap out at lvl 60 and Raptorian Society was becoming old news, people were leaving and me and snowfangs found out about The Ascended, so we went there, got in and we raided from Kael Drakkel to NToV, these guys were tough. My HP was going higher and higher, me and snowfangs became tighter as friends. We did pretty much everything together. We were in the guild for a year before things started to get bad between the officers and me. I played as hard as I could and they were trying to find the littlest thing to have against me. Probably because I’m open about anything and everything, like usual I get the “OMG OMG TMI!” Guess I was just a lil too gay for them. Until one day all the sudden I was getting a lot of IM’s from the officers I forgot what it was about, but they were telling me I’m not allowed to raid anymore. I was level 60 a warrior of almost 9khp. I was the best geared warrior in the guild and the IM’s got so crazy I suddenly left a “omg things are strange, I’m gone” message in guild and left. Then I started getting IM’s from everyone in the guild calling me a dumbass, stupid, blah blah. I love my kitty warrior and this wouldn’t be the way I wanted him to be treated. Me and snowfangs had a long chat while grouping with his druid. I told him I was going to move to Eternal Sovereign, the second best guild on the server. So Snowfangs left The Ascended and came with me to join that guild. Things were suddenly better, I was happy again and raiding even harder content, Emperor Ssra and Vex Thal. WOW! Talk about trash mobs having millions of HP. A month later, snowfangs slowly disappeared and it broke my heart. I quickly became sad and never wanted to raid. It was a month of non-raiding for me, I was elemental flagged and slowly became disinterested in playing Everquest, a breaking point for Sapade.

The next day after that I showed up on the Torvonilous server or however you spell it. Now a Warrior of 10108 HP and lvl 65. You know it took me 1 year to get from 1-60 and an additional 2 months from 60-65. I could easily get into the best guild on the server. I found ssekle, at this point he did not know. I did a “Sapade tugs on Ssekle’s tail” and he nearly flipped. We were both happy that we were now together after all this time. I guess what the main drive of playing everquest was love. I always listened to showtunes, especially Moulin Rouge soundtrack. I had this ridiculous obsession with love that was stirred up in a crazy way that was exciting and made my everquest experience both fun and inspiring. I tried joining Ssekle’s guild Thermoplyae and I was never allowed to tank because I had like 3khp more than their best tank. 2 weeks later I got a IM from bearserk I think his name is saying “we don’t want you, bye” and I was deguilded. So I applied for Immortals Rising and gotten in without much trouble. A month after I applied apparently things got real bad with Thermo and they disbanded. So Ssekle came to IM and he got geared up real fast over rotting loots.
I learned along side with Fleas a kitty warrior, the MT of IM at the time. We went from Elemental, through time, worked our way through the new expansions. We were tough, often raiding to the wee hours of the morning 4 or 5 times a week. It was awesome, it was like always having a fresh baked cookie everyday. I met really awesome people, loved helping people out, that’s how I met the good people of the Northstar Legion guild. One day a while later Ssekle told me he found a boyfriend in RL and his BF didn’t want him playing EQ talking to me because he got jealous, so I never seen ssekle online for a year or 2. But that didn’t stop me, I was loving my EQ experience raiding hardcore always seeing new things, wiping and getting up to try again. It was about 2006 where I started getting good on my skates and my EQ playing has dwindled to I’m barally on. I won a few medals that year. So I left Immortals Rising in good terms and Joined what I call home now Northstar Legion. They are like the family I never had. OMG I almost forgot, when we had control of what the color of our armor was, I first started out as a Black and brown armor mix. Then in the middle of my IM days I changed it to my awesome colors that you see today. When the servers merged a long time ago we all had a chance to move to a different server. I used that to bring Zargan over to Rallos Zek, Then when the 8th anniversary happened, I bought the full game and transferred zargan over so I can play 2 warriors at once. Many people thought that was absolutely stupid, but look how Zargan turned out, an awesome warrior that that I played equally as hard as Sapade. Sapade and Zargan both had earthshakers so it was destructive. Any kind of faction, done in 1 day.

Zargan’s journey through his levels was way quicker than Sapade, it took about a month to get from 20 to 53 thanks to hot zones and his armor that Sapade bought for him, in exchange for some… hah! Just kidding . I met new friends but they were all brief because zargan leveled so fast, because he leveled up with sapade being his guardian angel. As soon as Zargan was level 53 it was time. Sapade and Zargan were able to group together. They quickly traveled to acrylia caverns which became their playground. A WHOLE zone clearance in just a few minutes, thanks to sapade’s training of his earthshaker, along with a few hundred AA’s to make the earthshaker work to its max potential. When I had zargan at the zoneline and I dragged all those mobs, there was at least more than 100. The earthshaker brought them all down, it was amazing to see that Zargan gained 3 levels just on the first pull. I totally flipped in RL and it was just so amazing. I leveled zargan from 53 to 65 in 8 hours. Then I worked on his skills maxing them and making him as tough as Sapade. Dual boxing wasn’t hard at all, especially with another character of the same class. It was a real treat with Sapade and Zargan at lvl 80, and near the same kind of gear. Sapade had 24000 buffed and Zargan just over 20000 hp. I raided hard, pretty much every day almost leaving me little time to EXP but I got it done. Sometimes raiding with Sapade as the first tank and Zargan as the second. It was great, as soon as sapade went down, it was instantly Zargan’s agro, especially with the weapons he had the Brutish Blade of Balance and the Epic 2.0. He did have better weapons than Sapade, some pieces of gear he had better than Sapade. Kitty got jealous, just kidding . Then it was December 17, 2007, I tried to get back into EQ after my computer died for a month, it just didn’t happen. I do miss playing, but Everquest will go down as the greatest game I have ever played.

However… this isn’t all I still got little bits left

Believe it or not, I learned how to use the earthshaker in kurns tower in my 50’s. I seen the effect was a area effect, so I pulled like 40 skeletons and turned attack on just to try and get the weapon to proc.. it didn’t happen, I died. How bad is that, a warrior in his 50’s dies in a newbie zone on newbie mobs. I got better though. I bought a few AA’s and went to twilight sea in my 60’s and started taking out, 40, 50, and kept pulling until I was able to clear the secret area of twilight sea without a problem. There was a few problems with people getting too curious and getting too close, they died. Also people trying to get a mob from my train, they died. And people trying to help me out.. they died.

One day when the nexus was the major hang out spot where there was like 40 people in there at any given time. I afked for a while and came back dead.. how is this possible? It turns out, I afked while in a group with a couple people from my guild, one of them was a ranger. The ranger and a couple people got together, gave me levitation and kept standing above me so I slowly get moved, they moved me to the velious portal and I got ported. I was still afk, I showed up in the Great Divide and a bunch of mobs hit me for like 20 until I was dead. Blahh! That was an awesome prank though

I am proud of both of my warriors, because they do have achievements, and I’ll try to give the approx levels I did these

(65) Sapade solos Lodizal to the ground
(80 or 75) Sapade solos Fabled Lodizal to the ground
(75) Sapade solos Venril Sathir to the ground
(65) Sapade solos Priest of Discord barally
(80) Sapade and Zargan takes out one of the BoT towers, including the boss.
(75) Sapade becomes impossible to beat in a duel
(70) Sapade earns 2nd place in a GM event (40 person melee royal rumble)
(65) Sapade earns 2nd place in a GM event (Freeport militia) gm's said not to use discs, then changed their minds the final fight damn u Faramena

(75) Sapade earns 2nd place in a GM event after being ganged up on the final 3 with all northstar legion in the top 5. Severien and Sikulsis gang up on me, Sikulsis is taken down, I’m rooted, only chance I could beat severien was to go all out with my discs, but after being warned twice because the GM’s got too close to my rampages, I lose, barally. DAMN U SEVERIEN! Luv u ^^

(80) Zargan wins his first duel ^^
(70) Sapade and Saparri (dual box) defeats that ugly horse guy in Umbral Plains
(65) Sapade kills his first GM – lol
(75) Sapade kills his 2nd GM, serves them right for rezzing mobs on us in the arena
(A long time) Sapade maxes the iksar faction pre-kaesora, probably took a year
(65) Sapade solos that big monkey in Field of bone
(80) Sapade and Zargan clears plane of fear via earthshaker, the DT mobs have already been killed, then went for CT with a couple others
(64) Sapade solos Captain Stonefist
(80) Sapade and Zargan duos Klanikar
(80) Sapade and Zargan duos Aramin the Spider Guardian
(70) Sapade FINALLY manages to solo the PoJ Execution trial
(75) Sapade solos untel'dak
(75) Sapade and Zargan duos Paruek the Strong


(75) Sapade defeats Shadowofarrow – took 1 hour, he ran like a lil scairdy lingling
(75) Sapade defeats Ralor – in about 14 seconds
(65 Tholuxe paells) Sapade defeats Nizzi (server’s toughest necro at the time)

I'm probably missing a TON TON of stuff, but this is basically my time on EQ.

Sapade Am'Ranko & Zargan Xiller
[magelo=392249]Sapade Am'Ranko - 70 Vah Shir Warrior[/magelo]
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Post by Thalsadoom »

Hey there Sapade. Long time man. You need to come back to EQ. I see you haven't dueled a Wizard :)
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Post by Sapade »

I've dueled wizards before, at level 75 where I became one of the servers best dualists. but when the cap rose to level 80, warriors became wimps at duels.

Wizards tend to only cast spells, and when they are kicked, they seem to become defenceless. and when I had 2 weapons with 4 stun procs. It was the end of the line for any caster. Shadowknights posed the biggest problem for me. there was only 1 I couldn't defeat, but I forgot his name.

But now days I been focusing really hard on my inline speed skating. I qualified for the pro category late last year. I really miss playing though, but I'm afraid if I get back into EQ all the content is going to overwhelm me, now that there is like 15 expansions

if anyone wants, add me on face book as Mathew Schwager. just let me know who you are
[magelo=392249]Sapade Am'Ranko - 70 Vah Shir Warrior[/magelo]
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Post by Taunto »

Nizzi is still the server's toughest necro, btw. :p
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Post by Sunnie »

Mirarra would be sad you didn't mention him! I remember you from The Ascended days, when I played my cleric Maleficant. Good to see that you haven't forgotten EQ or ES, hope things are well with you.
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Post by Sapade »

OMG! I tottally forgot about Mirarra and Szat! I'm sorry. Forgiveness please! :D

I remember Maleficant :) and those late late NToV runs, thats where I learned the ways of being a warrior
[magelo=392249]Sapade Am'Ranko - 70 Vah Shir Warrior[/magelo]
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Post by Kazh »

good story hehe /wave sapade
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Post by Ubdaien »

Sunnie wrote:Mirarra would be sad you didn't mention him! I remember you from The Ascended days, when I played my cleric Maleficant. Good to see that you haven't forgotten EQ or ES, hope things are well with you.
I remember him too... the name rings like a bunch of bells...I think..
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Post by EggbornHatchedrotten »

I recognize your name. I have a bad memory sometimes, but we probably grouped or talked or something. Nice post. I really enjoyed reading your story.
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Post by Lezard2 »

/wave Sapade
Lezard Inyourbed
lvl 95 Arch lich
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