Xfer to friend's account

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Xfer to friend's account

Post by Kilvari »

I've taken over the account of a friend (something I've done before) because I wanted to move my warrior off the account I share with the woman's necro (as its caused me to lose numerous opportunities to upgrade his gear).

I paid to reactivate it and I paid to upgrade it to SoD / all. 6 months + expansion, almost $120.

Now it won't let me transfer. It says that the account has failed validation? Has anyone done something like this and run into that particular problem? I could always contact Sony, but I dunno if they would help or even if they would just kill the account I just paid for because I am not the 'original' owner. Oh sure they will charge my credit card for the expansion and for the play time, but I can't move a toon? Aggravating..

Any insight would be appreciated.
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Post by Chakkorisi »


It has been awhile, but I seem to recall there being an issue if the credit card that was used on the account originally has changed to a different account and name (in this case now your information). You may want to call SoE for clarification.

They don't like it when accounts are bought and sold for some reason. Hope this helps.


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Post by Bogagar »

when i transfered my cleric to my 3rd account sony asked me to verify that i own the accounts by giving them the creditcard numbers and the 3 number code on card backside
all the creditcard numbers that ever used on the accounts
<a href="http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1034337" target="_blank"><img src="http://eq.sig.magelo.com/1034337" border="0"></a>
Es heisst, dass wenn man einer Klinge einen Namen gibt dann gibt man ihr auch eine Seele, und dass diese Seele mit jedem vergossenem Tropfen Blut und jedem ausgeloeschten Leben maechtiger und finsterer wird.
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Post by Kilvari »

haha I couldn't do that for my own accounts. Credit card numbers change, and so do the 3 digit secret sauce codes. I guess I'll end up contacting them and seeing if they will show mercy. Otherwise its plan B I guess. :-\
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Post by Aallaan »

anymore they want:
last 4 digits of the credit card(s) currently on both accounts
full name on both accounts
mailing address on both accounts

if any of the above doesn't match the account will fail the auto validation and you will have to contact SOE. I have heard they can ban both accounts if one is a purchased account. the only way to bypass it is to say the account was stolen and provide every game key associated with the account. This is how people who sell their accounts get them back after someone else gears them up. of course if your friend still plays and uses the same credit card to pay for a different account he/she could get banned.
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Post by Alsmack »

I found this out on the internet regarding character transfers. Hope it helps. Really, Sony is not as ban happy as people think. If you petition and give them a believable story, and can back it up with information obtained from the account manager, and since you know your friend you can get any missing info as well, they'll do it for you.

I've never moved a character between my accounts and half of mine were takeovers from friends account. Let me know how it goes and what they looked for!
Server to Server / New Account ( non auto / auto method ), can also be used to move to a fresh account ( a new account needs to be done in the same way, so that both active subscriptions are the same ).

** This method also worked for me when using the auto move method **

Personally I use the petition system for a move; however this is only of use if you cannot use the automated service.

Billing History

Select view all.
Scroll down to the first subscription, you will see:
John Doe
123 Peterson Way
Albany, NY 02112

Save this and go to,


Go to "My Subscriptions", then under Everquest click "view/edit".

Login and cancel the subscription,
Resubscribe with a CC.
Enter your CC type and number, everything else should be the John Doe information.

Do not cancel the subscription on the account until your moves are completed.

Go to Knowledge Base

Login via email.

They answer petitions for moves 24/7

Petition for a character xfer with this info ( however use the John Doe info, except on your CC and account name(s) and character name(s):

Station Name:
Real Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
From Server:
To Server:
Number of Characters:
Character Names:
Transferring To a New Account? :
Name of New Account:
Transferring with items? :
TOTAL (Please Verify Based on Above Information):
Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number (Full Sequence):
Credit Card Type (ex. Visa):
Credit Card Expiration Date:
Credit Card Address Line 1:
Credit Card Address Line 2:
Credit Card City:
Credit Card State or Province:
Credit Card Country:
Credit Card Zip Code:

** Enter as many CC's on the original and new account that you have ( only last 4 and name on cc needed ).
Ie: John Doe and your last 4.

** Might help to go to LON Pretend Purchase

Add one 3 dollar card set, add to cart and then hit check out.

You will see: Use Existing Card
If you have previously purchased a game through your Station Account we already have your card on file:, in the drop down menu should be some CC's on file that could come to use.

And you’re good.

** This info does not guarantee a move for everyone, however it works for me. I have moved characters off accounts without have any CC info using these methods. Doesn’t always work but has worked almost 100% for me. **

Free Namechange

When using the automove method simply create a character with the name of your toon on the server you are moving too ( on a different account ), it will request you select a new name before you are charged for the move.

When using the petition method, simply create a character with your name on the new server ( on a different account ) and petition for the move. When you recieve the x, login the character with your characters name until the namechange goes through.

SoE now tries to block these name changes, so when trying to get a namechange via this method it would prob help to level the blank toon with your name a few levels. Would also help to keep this blank character on through the entire process.

Some simple stuff that helps

How to see characters on an account that is inactive:

Go to EQ Players

Click the "sign in" button and login.

Go to characters > All characters on your account are listed.

Recovering your account without the account name

Call Sony and provide them with the account CC number, or the character name. They will only give up information on an account if you have the CC numbers. If you are using a CC you will need the first and last four digits, also the name on the card is required. This information will get you your account name / pass reset.

Sony's number is 1-(858)-537-0898, when you call theres alot of welcome to Sony bullshit.. just hit 3, wait a second, hit 1, wait a sec, then hit 2. Thats 3,1,2 to get to the EQ department.

New SoE account manager in place!

I suggest everyone visit,

New Account Manager

And look into your account information,

Everyone now has all cc's and etc listed in a simple menu.

When you buy things from now on, you will have all of the previous cc's available to you ( starting at 2005/2006).
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Post by tabularasa »

hey kilvari i just moved fish over and had similar problems. If you call them directly its they can fix it in 5 minutes what took me 3 weeks using the web, numbers on the bottom this is the info you will need.
good luck
For security reasons, we are unable to address your account issues without first verifying your identification. Please respond with the following information:

- Last four digits of a credit card on the account and the name on the credit card:
- Real Name:
- E-mail Address:
- Station Name(s):
- Birthdate:
- Account/Registration key (usually found on the back of your CD case or on the instruction manual):
- Security Answer:

Please keep the format above. This will enable us to process your request more efficiently.

Phone Support:
Monday - Friday from 10:00am - 7:00pm PST at 858-537-0898.
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Post by tabularasa »

if you have the security info from the account you are moving it to. via the security answer and last four of the credit card, billing address you can get at log in then have them make all the information the same can do that over the phone.
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