Zeitgeist documentary

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Zeitgeist documentary

Post by Beledric »

religion, 9/11, and corruption....all of wich are deeply detailed in this documentary. I watched this twice now, and am going to watch it another time. it's 2 hours long, it may make you look at the world in a completely different way. part 2 and part 3 will probably blow you away, I HIGHLY recommend everyone to watch atleast parts 2 and 3


btw, the first 4 minutes of the movie is supposed to be black so dont freak out when u think u have no video
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Post by homework »

"the only thing new under the sun is the history you don't know"
- Harry Truman
My specialty is international economics so I can tell right off the bat that part 3 is very accurate, however it leaves out some indisputable important items that would greatly enhance this documentary ... particularly leaving out certain satanic worshipping cult-clubs, including the Skull & Bones
and the Bohemian Grove

Yeah it all sounds totally nuts until its proven. Sociologist William Domhoff has an excellent detailed yet boring report, regarding the attendants of this club dressing up in the ritual with brown & green KKK robes, carrying torches, and offering a (mock) human sacrifice to a giant owl statue that they call "the Prince of all worldly knowledge." (which coincidently is a nickname for satan in the Bible)
Like so:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y129/f ... nGrove.jpg

Part 3 also leaves out some pertinent information regarding the NAFTA superhighway ... but I believe this came out after Zeitgeist did.

Part 2 of this documentary is in dispute, but the evidence gathered proves that the "official story" is not accurate. Whether 9/11 is another Pearl Harbor (they let it happen) or Reichstag (they did it) ... time will tell. However part 3 does prove *why* 9/11 happened: Iraq is not about oil at all, it's about international economics. :wink:

As both an astrologer and a Bible scholar I can tell that the data in part 1 is correct, but its twist is not entirely fair. Why? Because according to the Bible Abraham taught the Egyptians about Horus. While I agree with part 1 that 33-AD-Christianity is corrupted (evidence for this spanning from the Nicean Creed to the Crusades to how 1800s "Christians" treated the Quakers Shakers Mormons etc with Lynch-mobs and pillagings) ... just because the end-resulted majority of believers is corrupted from the original does NOT make the original illegitimate. Otherwise part 1 is very educational.

Overall I recommend watching this documentary, it is well researched. :)
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