Heres some help for Redfang

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Heres some help for Redfang

Post by XmortavianX »

Info from Presidio
Basic fight:
You kill all the screecher bats that pop for his event in the room under the winding staircase. This causes Redfang to spawn. After hes aggroed, four blooddrinker bats spawn, one at a time from him. These are picked up and either kited or offtanked by knights throughout the entire remainder of the fight. We do not kill them, they respawn in 5 minutes and must be controlled perfectly or they wipe the raid.

At intervals, he will summon a large cloud of voracious bats and send them at the raid. These are insta ae mezzed, and then insta ae dmg rooted. Once a damage root is on them, they die extremely fast from the root itself. As the voracious pop, Redfang despawns.

Once the voracious are dead, he repops. We have a very short time to re-aggro him or he despawns permanently and we lose the fight. Rinse and repeat the voracious bat cycles until he is dead.

Finer points:
1. He ramps - hard and nasty.
2. He silences - directional ae the way he is facing. Positioning is essential to keep him facing AWAY from the raid.
3. He is non-aggro when he pops. He must be aggroed and brought down to the raid. He pops in several places along the curving staircase, the first time is always in the first window as you go up the staircase.
4. He insta summons on aggro - there is no damage needed for him to summon the puller.
5. Ramp must be reset each reincarnation.
6. His melee is mean. Healers need to work effectively to keep the MT alive.
7. He is weak to blunt.

BLOODDRINKERS: At beginning, Redfang is aggroed out of his window by the ramp tank and brought to the raid. He is offtanked by the MT out from the wall and towards the bottom of the ramp, the MT faces him AWAY from the knights.

One by one, about every 15 seconds, a blooddrinker bat will spawn from him and aggro, usually on the MT. Redfang must be held away from the wall as the BDs are impossible to target when they pop against the wall.

The knight assigned to that bat will non dmg aggro (if kiting) or aggro the blooddrinker. It then belongs to that knight for the rest of the fight. Its either dragged back by the raid and offtanked (strong healing needed), or kited up the ramp (good healing needed), jump down into the battlefield, around the room and back up the ramp again, by the knight. Aggro has to be held on the bat with occasional stuns. Low health in any raidmember will pull the blooddrinker to that person. They are mean and hit hard, backstab, and have an occasional nasty 3-4K DD, single target. There are four blooddrinkers.

If offtanking, the offtank will need a cleric and spot healer. The bigger knights are capable of offtanking 2 with very good healing. You can (but not real reliably due to the need for maintaining aggro) kite 2.

These are never damaged if they are to be kited. They summon. An unsnared knight can barely keep ahead of them 60% of the time without being summoned. If they get to summoning, the knight will die.

REDFANG: After all the blooddrinkers are out and safely being handled, the MT moves Redfang to the kill spot and positions him against the wall and facing AWAY from the raid. The raid then dps's Redfang, being VERY careful to pin him in exactly that spot and never overaggro. If you overaggro on him, he will turn to face the raid - silence the raid - and we wipe.

VORACIOUS BATS: Next item is the spawning of the voracious bats. it is time-based, not hp based, as we can kill Redfang in 5 cycles or 25 - depending on how well we DPS. First voracious spawn is 4 minutes after Redfang, each additional voracious spawn is 3 minutes after that. So 4 minutes - 1st wave, 7 minutes - 2nd, 10 minutes - 3rd, etc.

The chanters will be illusioned HUGE... so they can be easily seen. When it is time for the voracious to spawn, a call will go to the raid and EVERYONE except the kiting knights and the MT and RT will hug the chanters. The cloud of bats will settle on the raid, pulling at clothing and attacking flesh. They are mezzed with CoD or its equivalent and the raid (including chanters) then RUNS away from the mezzed bats. The druids will ae root the bats and everyone with a dmg root up should be casting it on the voracious.

As soon as they are all dead, Redfang will pop again. He may pop in lower window, middle window or at the very top. You cannot jump down from the top unless you have DA or safefall, so the bards generally pull him, as they can DA and FM when bringing him down to clear ramp list, and the RT stands in the middle of the room to zing him with a stun as he comes to the raid, hopefully re-setting ramp. Pull him to the wall, rinse and repeat with the voracious again until he is dead.

1. No afks. If you arent alert and ready to move to the chanters, and then move AWAY from the chanters, you will die. Enough die, and we wipe.

2. Melee watch push. If you shove the MT out of range, or shove him over top of the MT so Redfang turns towards the raid - we wipe.

3. Casters and melee DPS - watch aggro. If you overaggro and he turns to the raid and silences, we wipe. This is a bad one and very seriously you need to be careful of your aggro - particularly with some of our smaller warriors.

4. The orcs that path around the bottom of the stairs and ramp need to die before the event. As does the gargoyle that sits in the corner. They will all assist the blooddrinkers.

5. Keep the RT alive to protect yourselves. Redfang's ramp is uglier than ZTs or Hatchet.

On a wipe:
When a wipe is called, we call it after the voracious die and we do not reaggro Redfang. Be aware that when the event resets, ALL the screecher bats will repop around the room. If you are still alive when a wipe is called, head to the safe spot. If you stand around the room lollygagging, a screecher bat will attack you. If you drag that bat to the half-dead raid, we wipe in earnest and we will attack you.

If the wipe timing cant be managed, if you are alive at all, head to the safe area to die, so rezzes can be done easily

Source Presidio

There is a 4min reset timer after first mez/root adds that spawn for first spawn and 3min for each one after that.
This is going to be one HELL of a second round!
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Post by Sunnie »

that's pretty classy...

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Post by Theoso »

You forgot to say "What's the deal?"
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Post by Nathanar »

Hrmmmm. Just when i was thinking i might ask if Xmort wanted another shot... anyway am sure this wasn't solicited by anyone in ES and aside from that as Presidio has yet to actually kill Redfang as a guild...
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Post by Piromeomp »

Why would you help us?

and why do you think wed take it?

I thought es was a bunch of gay faggots who need to die
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Post by Kyreth »

If I remember right, I think Xmort is Lessw?s brother or cousin. You might have noticed that Lessw posted the same thing in one of our internal forums - they most likely were talking about the event, and this post is the result of the discussion.
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Post by Silmare »

Its an internal post I wrote to explain the Redfang fight to our newer members who have not done it yet. It was cut and pasted here from our boards by Xmort after he was removed from our guild. I wont speculate on his reasons for doing so.

Im quite certain you dont need our info to work on Redfang, and anyway, at this point the information is readily available to anyone researching the event.

Good luck on the fight. And /wave Naedidar, Piro and other old friends :)
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Post by Piromeomp »

Hiya silm
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