You don't make friends with salad..

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You don't make friends with salad..

Post by Kyreth »

About a week ago, ES decided that it was about time that the Theater of Blood learned the meaning of bobsledding. And so we rounded up our tuning forks and tested the melodies of our harmonic chimes, and set off into the wilderness. While stumbling blindly around, we came across the bane of necromancers everywhere, a giant writhing plant, surrounded by comparively smaller writhing plants. After cursing the druids, our raid force set about learning the wiles of this ungainly weed and his sidekicks.

His name was Gnarlibramble, and he was a cookie monster. He liked to eat baby foliage, for it made him strong and happy inside. The baby foliage, in turn, liked to eat ES. We did not take kindly to that, and so vowed that he would live no more.

Tonight, we made good on that oath, laying waste to the foul beast and all 92374 of his minions. The fight was epic.. it seemed at times as if all our efforts were in vain, but we did not give up. Some crazy Necromancer named Nizzi kited the army of brussel sprouts, holding them at bay for a good 42 minutes, while little by little our small force chipped away at Gnarli, until finally, he fell to the ground with a crash.

<div align="center"><img src=" ... amble2.gif" alt=""></div>

Congratulations to Nizzi on ES's first Last Blood augment (so rigged)! And hooray for Jaharyss and his new heart - perhaps someday he can learn to love again!

In closing, that was one fight that I would not like to do again in a hurry. Sadly, I have been informed that we will probably need to do it about 30 more times. So uh... pretty awesome Cleric seeking a vegetarian guild, send tells to Kyreth.
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